We are redesigning the walkways and grabs on one of our newest cars - the NWF13 53' d/stack car www.nscalekits.com - following earlier comments....
N Scale Kits have released another of their 53' double stack wellcars. These are the RWG33A cars, a 3-car articulated car set. www.nscalekits.com...
Now released - the NWF13 53' double stack single car kit is now out. http://www.nscalekits.co.uk/NWF13.html The kit comes with decals. Peter...
N Scale Laser and N Scale Kits are producing 53' reefer container and trailer kits for use in our 53' cars such as the Gunderson 53AP car already...
This is a TTEX "Triple-53"/"Long Runner" that was made from 2 (heavily modified) Con-Cor 90' Flatcars. Modifications included...
While Grampa rests on the bumper, Scott is buried in the cardboard boxes that separate and organized tire patches, boots, reliners and tools. We...
Here, Grampa takes a break at Don Brady's Gas and Service at Weed, CA. With Scott's help, he's just unloaded and stocked a re-supply of wares - a...
Grampa used to drive a circuit, visiting tire shops from Washington to the Bay Area to sell his tire repair wares. I traveled with him when not...
NS 53' Bulkhead
Alan Curtis models "Triple-53/Long Runner". Closest trailer is a scratchbuilt Great Dane platewall trailer.