A Design Preservation Models building was added to the downtown block of Carlin as a Casino and bar. The Miller Engineering Glitter Gulch sign...
This is the Walthers Central Gas and Supply kit with the piping configuration modified to fit my space. The loading area piping was scratch...
This is the other end of the Otto Engineering building. The shed is from a Faller oil well kit that has been split in half and the half's placed...
This is a large building made from several Superior Bakery kits. It houses some relays and Peco switch solenoids at one end of the smaller...
Started with stairs from a Pola kit then am scratch building the bridge deck.
This injection molded kit was modified into a 2 door pickup truck version with fence sides.
This cafe was kit bashed from a DPM Otto's Parts kit. The second floor was removed and the walls were angled to fit the space available on one of...
This Japanese Business Hotel was made using Green Max modular parts. It was built in 2010 and is on one of my AsiaNrail modules.
Building is from Green Max kit # 25 and poles from Green Max kit # 75. Fence is from Gold Metal Models. This was finished in 2017 and is on one...
The 4 small shops are from Green Max kit # 33 and the taller building is from kit # 46-6. They are on a common base and some of the shops are...
From an Walthers Interstate oil kit purchased 25 years earlier. Parts were used on several layouts and modules then modified and reunited on the...
This liquor store was kit bashed from a DPM Roadkill Cafe kit. The back wall was angled to fit the building in around the track in the rear....
This general store was kit bashed from part of a Model Power house. The roof was printed paper. It was on an old layout from 2002 to 2013....
This industry was kit bashed from a Walthers Redwing Milling kit. It was in the corner of the layout. Layout is gone and the building was sold...
This was on one of my old Ntrak modules which was also part of a home layout which represented part of downtown Los Angeles.. It was kit bashed...
Hello, A kit to build Z Scale SW1200 locomotives is ready to order. The parts need to be purchased from several sources but they are all readily...