The steps on the engineer side are now complete. The thread plate, nose and cab are not attached they were just positioned in place for this...
Here's is a mock up of the front of the unit with the cab, nose and front section thread plate. With the work on the engineer's side complete I...
Here is a mock up of the cab, nose and pilot together with the thread plate assisting as a position guide..
I positioned it next to an Athearn SD40T-2 for a length comparison. It's beginning to come together even though there is tons more work left to do.
Got quite a bit done on this unit. I did some major adjustments to the entire walkway. The pilot has been tact in place so I can now begin work on...
I shot some primer on the cab. Doors still swivels freely and closes flush. Now for the rear of the cab.
The first cab door is now on and swivels reasonably well. These cannon doors are so delicate, I broke it a couple times however I've some how...
OK so I'm also working on this project, as mostly scratch built SP SD45X. Here is a two in one shot of the unfinished cab with the battery box...
Here it is with some of the pilot details in place. The finer details will come at a later date. Next I'll be tackling the rear stair wells.
I had initially scratch built the rear Anticlimber from styrene sheets however I've decided to go against that and add the ready Cannon &...
Here is a closer look at the work done on my SD45X scratch build. Need to muster up some courage and attack the custom hood doors, some of which...
Did a little work on the unit last night. The unit now has the Dynamic Brake fans along with base plate and the Blower Housing unit installed....
Here is a photo of my SD45X project still in the early stage. It will be built from styrene sheets and Details West as well as Cannon &...