From the February 1958 Railway Signaling & Communications Magazine. Pretty neat. Perhaps TT or photo slight of hand? Too early for N Scale....
I am reading Brian Solomon's Classic Railroad Signals (c. 2015) and thoroughly enjoying it. I was surprised to learn that into the early decades...
I was at a Funeral Home on this day. As it turned out, it was one of our family members. Since Gillespie Funeral Home wasn't far from the BNSF...
Example N scale from NJ International
Completed scratchbuilt cantilever grade crossing signal in N scale. This signal is positioned on a 90 degree curve in the highway at the bottom of...
Completed scratchbuilt cantilever grade crossing signal in N scale, as viewed from coming down the hill.
Completed scratchbuilt cantilever grade crossing signal in N scale, as viewed from accross tracks.
The start of a scratchbuilt cantilever grade crossing signal in N scale made out of brass. This signal will be positioned on a 90 degree curve in...
Signals on the Hudson Bergen Light Rail running along Greene St, in front of the Harborside Financial Center in Jersey City, NJ.
This module will mate up with the Santa Anna River module that has the Right Hand Crossover. It will also include the fire station on the corner...
This is a plan made from Abracadata Concept and Design software of a module that includes the Santa Anna River bridge and RH Crossover. The gray...