This was painted and decaled to match a prototype reference photo. The UPS trailer is from a Randy Brown cast resin kit.
This Micro-Trains flat car was an undecorated model that I painted and decaled to match a prototype photo. The trailers were undecorated models...
This is a stock Micro-Trains model that I gave a light weathering and mounted stock trailers from Athearn and Atlas. The Western Pacific trailer...
This was an undecorated Micro-Trains model that I painted and decaled to match a prototype photo. The UPS trailers are from Randy Brown Models...
Hi all, Just a heads up that pre-orders for our really authentic Sea-Land containers and chassis in HO and N scales are due today. If you haven't...
This was an UN-decorated Micro-Trains 89 ft flat car that I painted and lettered to match a prototype photo. The trailers were also from...
Eastbound Western Pacific TOFC passes by a cattle ranch at Wesso, Nevada.
N Scale scratchbuilt Wabash 53' plate wall trailer. This will be a Schneider trailer.
The fist of three more 1992 Great Dane 53' plate wall trailers (left) that will match one completed several years ago (right).
The fist of three more 1992 Great Dane 53' plate wall trailers (left) that will match one completed several years ago (center).
53' 2003 Manac trailer kitbashed from the S&R Models kit.
This is a TTEX "Triple-53"/"Long Runner" that was made from 2 (heavily modified) Con-Cor 90' Flatcars. Modifications included...