13th CONVENTION FOR AMERICAN RAILROADFANS IN SWITZERLAND OCTOBER 14/15, 2006 This is a brief information of our 13th Convention for interested advertisers (manufacturers/importers/distributors) and visitors as well. Our Conventions are held every two years in Adliswil, a suburb of Zürich. Because of rebuilding of our convention site, there was no Convention in the year 2004. For our 10th Jubilee Convention in 1998 we were building a 'Hollywood Style' Cupola-Caboose end out of wood in 1:1 scale. It reflects the colors of the USA red/white/blue and will be used again as our very attractive ticket office. Our Event (13th CV) will cover approx. 30'000 square feet of North American Railroading! By the way, the 12th Convention attracted more than 3000 visitors and it reflects an increase of 30 %. No question, it was a great success and even the German 'Eisenbahnromantik' camera team produced a report for German Television (which was broadcasted in Austria, Germany and Switzerland). It will be a first in our CV-history: We are very proud to welcome the biggest importer of high quality brass and plastic models, Overland Models & Tower 55 Models for attending (with booth) at our Convention this year. The main theme will be: Locomotion. For this occasion, we will produce the 13th Convention Guide. A very important tool with more than 100 pages on high quality paper for good reproduction of photos. It lists all diff. programs, activities and describes all modules, dioramas and layouts (incl. plans & photos). In addition, there will be reports regarding the main theme. As we (American Railroadfans in Switzerland) are a non-profit group without any membership fees, the costs for the guide will be covered thru advertisers, but the advertising rates are in a reasonable range (rates sheet included). As this guide will be mailed to all previous registered visitors (approx. 3000) at no cost, it will reach the potential American Railroader in Switzerland and all over Europe. Of course, our convention cannot be compared with a big NMRA convention but it still includes a lot of activities like the big ones are having: clinics, workshops, slide- and movie-shows, operating layouts in Z, N, TT, HO, O, LGB, HOn3, On3 and Gn3 scale, bookstore, video/dvd-shop, swap meet, art-corner, booth of well known RR-Shops in the US-Scene incl. Feather Products, Old Pullman, Rittech, Trainmaster and a travel agency (Maya Travel Inn) as well. Our official convention dinner will take place on Saturday evening at a nearby hotel. During the dinner, the convention awards will be given away. There will be international exhibitors with models, dioramas and layouts from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands and of course Switzerland. © June 2006 - Americanrailroadfans in Switzerland Regards Stefan