2020-2021 Thirteenth Annual International Winter Layout Party

ppuinn Dec 11, 2020


    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    Hard to believe it is already the wrap up of this winter's layout party. Where did the time go? I will admit I had trouble finding motivation on several weekends.

    My goal for the party was to make good progress on a grain elevator for my layout. At the start, all I had was the silos started.


    I didn't get near what I had hoped done. Last update is this. The main building is about 3/4 complete and the silos now have a roof but no top building, just a super crude mock up.


    As of yesterday, they were in the paint shop.


    May be the end of the 2020/2021 winter party but spring is here and the paint shop is open so onward we will continue to go.

    While not a stated winter party goal but just an early 2021 goal in general was to get my equipment roster updated and in line. It had been neglected for years. I finished that a couple of weeks ago so I'll throw that in here as a party accomplishment as well.

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