2nd Orange County (CA) Layout Tour – May 12 Model Railroads of Southern California’s thirty-first layout tour takes place Saturday, May 12. This will be a self-guided tour of ten layouts at nine locations in central and north Orange County. Two layouts are appearing for the first time on the group’s tour program. By scale there will be three HO scale layouts, one HOn3 layout, two layouts in O standard, one On3, one On30 and two garden railroads. This is a free event and you may bring relatives and friends. The Layouts Todd & Linda Brody (G) 11:00 to 5:00 10232 Overhill Drive, Santa Ana +++ Terry Fearn ( HOn3) 1:00 to 5:00 7589 Calle Durango, Anaheim +++ Bob Grech (HO) 10:00 to 5:00 17302 Elm Street, Fountain Valley +++ Bruce Hendrick (HO) 10:00 to 1:00 605 Buttonwood Drive, Brea +++ Dennis Ivison (On30) 10:00 to 4:00 9962 Lenore Drive, Garden Grove +++ Frederick Kingdon (HO &O) 12:00 to 4:00 1608 Beechwood Ave., Fullerton +++ Randy Scott (On3) 9:00 to 3:00 7908 E. Horseshoe Trail, Orange All guests must enter at Chapman Ave. entrance. Use call box. +++ Dave Sheegog (G) 2:00 to 5:00 968 S. Ladan Lane, Anaheim +++ Tommy Thomas (O, On3) 11:00 to 5:00 1232 Glenaire Drive, Santa Ana +++ Persons taking this tour assume all risks and liability for their personal safety. Although I am the Moderator of this group, I am not responsible for personal loss or injury to those taking this tour. Be sure to check the Model Railroads of Southern California website the day before the tour to see if any changes to the schedule or layout lineup have occurred. If you would like layout descriptions and an area map with the locations of all the layouts, e-mail me directly at: chiefbobbb@verizon.net Bob Chaparro Moderator Model Railroads of Southern California http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Model_Railroads_Of_Southern_California/ P.S.: I am working with a railroad hobby shop in the tour area on a special promotion that will be available ONLY to persons who take the tour and ONLY on the day of the tour. Contact me for details.