52" 4-6-0 Spectrum Drivers

Jeff Vass Jan 30, 2024

  1. Jeff Vass

    Jeff Vass TrainBoard Member

    Good day all. If you follow the "What's on Your Workbench" you will have seen that I rebuilt a Bachmann Spectrum 4-6-0 that had suffered an unfortunate fall. Once I got it all put together, I found out that there was more damage than I thought. I am now in search for a set of 52" drivers for this unit. If any of you have a set, or a basket case loco that you would like to get rid of please let me know. Thanks in advance.

    gmorider, Mike VE2TRV and BNSF FAN like this.
  2. Jeff Vass

    Jeff Vass TrainBoard Member

    Well, it turns out the drivers from the newer 4-6-0 are the same as the Spectrum 4-6-0 with the 52" drivers. Ordered the new ones and now the rebuild is done. Now I just have to decal, get a Soundtraxx decoder for it, and she is ready to go. It runs like a dream.
    gmorider, Mike VE2TRV and BNSF FAN like this.

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