Not to hijack the thread, but I treasure two older issues of Trains in my collection with excellent photo features on the MILW. I was never able to see the MILW in the west, but these are the sort of pages that I look at with sadness, yet I linger over them. Milwaukee Road Before The Storm - The Pacific Extension Before Its Demise by Ted Benson Trains September 1994 Of Ryegrass And Evergreen - The Milwaukee Road Across The Saddle and Cascade Ranges by Blair Kooistra Trains June 1979 There's another short piece in the February 1976 Trains titled The View from High View Tunnel written by a fellow who worked on an NYO&W section gang in the mid-1950s. It's wonderfully written and I must have read it a dozen times over the last 40 Years. Little did I know in 1976 that I'd someday move a thousand miles east and find myself exploring this long-abandoned tunnel!