Building Rolling Stock Kits and Plastic Weld Applicator?

Grey One Nov 4, 2023

  1. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    I have 2 bottles of liquid Plastic Weld. I *thought* it included the applicator. Oooops.
    Any suggestions on applicators'?

    I have 3 'Accurail' kits and 2 'Ticchy' 40' flat cars kits. I intend to be getting more kits.
    With my Step Daughter's partisipation, um, she assembled one with couplers. Let's just say that a black hole sucked my couplers to 'Oblivion'. You will probably find them with stray socks.

    It took us 2 hours each.
    We omitted the underside detail since we didn't have an applicator.
    The hardest part was the coupler assembly. I think they were Accumates.
    The easiest was double sided tape to hold the weight down.
    Let's pu

    Note: I have *never* done a kit and yes, I'm 69yo with low vision. ☻I could use
    Suggestion on?:
    Simple kits / brands
    • Easy(ish), to assemble
    • Shorter cars, (30' ~ 40')
    • Era: 1960s~1980s
    • Couplers brand / length
    • Trucks? they come with some but I'll consider options.
    Any other suggestions?
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  2. Mike C

    Mike C TrainBoard Member

    Well , seeing that you're in HO scale now If you can find any Atheran blue box kits they are easy to assemble . Accural also makes easy kits Although they do have more parts . Mike
    BNSF FAN and Grey One like this.
  3. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    If you can find some old Roundhouse kits, grab'em! Simple and easy to assemble, no teeny fiddly details like the corner stirrups (which have a nasty habit of breaking while attempting to insert them into mounting holes that are a 1/4 of a hair too small :mad:), etc.

    For applying glue in small amounts, a small pin like those used for sewing (not a needle, a pin used for holding a hem while sewing) can be dipped in the glue so there's just a small drop on the end. I do the same for applying tiny drops of lube oil on bearings and other mechanisms.
    Grey One and BNSF FAN like this.
  4. Stephane Savard

    Stephane Savard TrainBoard Member

    I sometimes use these disposable eyeliner brushes from Amazon, about 10$ for a 100 pack. Super useful for many things.
    Mike VE2TRV, Grey One and BNSF FAN like this.
  5. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    I've used special applicators the fit in an exacto knife handle. They stick out about 3/4" and have varying sized loops at the tip. Down to about 0.010" diameter. Or less. They work great to ably oils as well. The larger ones work for grease as well.
    gmorider, digimar52, BNSF FAN and 2 others like this.
  6. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    @Grey One, re: "a black hole sucked my couplers into "Oblivion". I and other modelers have sometimes experienced a time/space displacement. This often happens after a part is "launched" unintentionally. The part or parts in question may reappear in four to six months.
    BNSF FAN, Mike VE2TRV and Grey One like this.
  7. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    @gmorider Maybe, but the step-daughter has 'deep cleaning' service 2x a months soooo, maybe, maybe not. ☻
    gmorider, BNSF FAN and Mike VE2TRV like this.
  8. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    Oh.... those are gone into the parallel universe where Spock has a beard...:D
    gmorider, BNSF FAN and Grey One like this.
  9. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    @Mike VE2TRV Um, if Spock has my spring then he better return it and he can help build a control panel too!
    gmorider, BNSF FAN and Mike VE2TRV like this.
  10. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    I think I see something shiny stuck in his beard.:cautious:
    gmorider, BNSF FAN and Grey One like this.

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