Construction started

Keith May 7, 2009

  1. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    G Scale construction has begun. Laid out a small layout this
    morning, after I got home from work. Took about an hour to get track laid out.
    Nothing level, and far from being operable! But, I've finally managed to get
    something started. And so far, I think it's taking shape nicely!
    Photos to be taken, posted day or two.
    Once photos posted, comments/suggestions/ideas and more wanted.
  2. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Cool. Let's see those photos! Are you freelancing the track plan? Or do you have a specific design?

    Boxcab E50
  3. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Freelance track plan.
  4. SteamDonkey74

    SteamDonkey74 TrainBoard Supporter

  5. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    As promised, 3 photos of layout in progress.
    Shown as of this morning. Nothing more done.
    Too tired today to want to do anything!

    A general overview, looking to the west.

    Looking towards the middle of the layout. Folks removed some track, in order to get a composter moved off of patio, where trains used to be.

    Looking to the east. "Pond" is a 20 gallon water fountain.
    Cinder blocks temporarily holding up what will become elevated track, passing over an eventual yard lead. A 4 foot bridge, tunnel,or ??? over lower lead.

    Work has started, and as can be seen, much work is required!!
    Might try to do what I can over my weekends during summer. And
    during vacation time in July.
  6. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    Keith, I'm going to have you arrested for hijacking the similar but different idea I sketched out on paper last month xD Okay the inner section is similar but your layout is so cool :D
  7. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Got a wild idea this morning! Put a temporary train ON
    the track and shot a few more photos! Need to upload
    photos and post.
  8. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    ok, you wanted some suggestions, well the first thing you should be worried about is drainage during the rainy season. You can do this by either digging a a drainage field under ground with rocks or with drainage pipes about 1/2" diameter or putting crushed fine rock thru out where you are going to lay your track, there are many more methods than this. Then you have to worry about a proper foundation for your track, there is the expension track bed system by Hillmans now I believe, some others have put track on presure treated wood partially buried, some have poured motar road beds for the track to lay on and last I have seen patio bricks used, I'm sure there are more ideas. Now make sure you also use hillmans expansion track as brass track tends to expand and contract alot, so you want this layout to be a floating track system in severe weather changing states. Also if you decided to use pvc plumbing in your layout make sure your not in a state that has a frost line below ground level like here in NJ or you might have a mess on your hands the following year. Also plan ahead on any underground wiring you might have, running wiring thru CPVC piping is a better idea to keep wires out of the weather. Also use Hillmans wire rail clamps and #10 gauge wire if you decide to run transformer power. If you decide to go battery power Aristocraft has some nice options that are reasonable. If money is no object than you have companies like Airewire that are fully remote and battery operated, but have your swiss bank account number ready.

    These ideas are just getting you started, some more adavnced outside modlers such as Dave Winters may be able to help you further.
  9. Mark Watson

    Mark Watson TrainBoard Member

    This looks great. One or two more weekends and you might be to the point of running a train.
  10. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Three more photos, this time, with a train on the track!
    Only temporary though. Used for photos only. To give me
    an idea as to how it's gonna look when done.



  11. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    Not a bad idea for a USA NW-2, this might get me off my butt to do something like this since I now have no where to run my MOW train, I'm out of room inside since the purchase of my Aristocraft 2-8-8-2 Mallet.

    Speaking of brand names, I'm seeing a mixture of USA trains and Aristocraft trains in the pictures, which means you had to universalize your couplers also since USA and Aristocraft knuckle couplers don't seem to want to couple to each other.

    The USA Trains NW-2 calf for the Rio Grande has long been discontinued, you can find one once in a while on ebay, you will need it if you plan on putting any more train cars on. The NW-2 does not have traction tires, so too much weight and the wheels slip. But having no traction tires is a great advantage for outside.
  12. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    The NW-2 was the easier locomotive to grab!
    It, the caboose, and a GP40 are KD conversions.
    The other GP40 is waiting for KD's. If/When I can find what I need!
    Otherwise, all but 1 car currently converted to Aristo Craft couplers.
    Conversion to KD if/when I can locate a set of couplers!

    I've seen the NW-2 calf, but since the Rio Grande didn't have one, I'm not gonna run one.
    Will probably be used as switch engine, in small yard. Maybe running a short train around mainline. Layout will be expanded at a later date. Along 2 fences, making a brief appearance in the front yard, the returning to the back.

    Right now, I'm just trying to get track located. Ballasting, leveling, drainage etc.....will
    be taken care of as I get there. Next up is probably gonna be grass removal, where elevated section of track will be. Plus leveling of 3 track yard area.

    Gap in track is where main will pass over yard lead. Just need to decide HOW to
    make the crossing - short tunnel, bridge, ???.
    I've got a 48" wooden bridge that I've been thinking about using.

    And of course, I have gotta move in a LOT more dirt, to fill low spots, plus help raise mainline up and over switch lead. Have plenty to do, with questions to ask as they arise.

    First of which is:

    When ballasting track, does sub base have to be packed down??
    I'm thinking of laying down granite sub base, placing track, then final ballasting, leveling
    track as needed.

    I've also thought about concrete, but still undecided on that.
  13. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    You've surely made it harder on yourself- Seeing that train sitting there, would certainly light a fire under me to get operating!

    Boxcab E50
  14. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    At least I didn't do what I had thought about:

    Getting my power supply hooked up and actually running a train.
    Even if over only a small section of track!

    Rain last night, so pla....Er, working on it today is out.
    Not gonna dig around in the mud!
  15. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    I have seen people use concrete track bed unsuccessfully, problem with concrete is if you live in a frost line state, it will actually destroy the concrete bed which is why many choose to use a mortar instead. If chosing to use granite which is a great idea for drainage, it should be packed. You should also use a smaller type rock such as driveway stones on top of the granite rock, then go ahead and lay your dirt over that. Lay your track down first and then finish by putting fine crushed ballast over top using a old dust broom to sweep in the ballast between the ties. I have seen some people use a watered down mortar type mixture to mix ballast in with and then put the mixture with ballast in so they don't have to replace ballast that washes away.

    The only reason why I have my Rio Grande NW-2 calf is because I need the extra pulling power for my work train. Sometimes I do notice train model manufacturers make model trains that a railroad never had.
  16. phantom

    phantom TrainBoard Member


    What an exciting time. I can remember the start of many model railroads. The smell of fresh cut plywood and paint from my old HO scale days always brings back those wonderful and exciting memories. Congratulations on the start of your layout. I hope it brings you many hours of fun and excitement.

    For me on the DAV&P I’m getting close to driving the final spike and closer to seeing a long term dream come true. Thou the track is almost all down I have many buildings and things to finish so my adventure is far from over. But looking at it from your point of view, the aww and excitement of just starting anew layout, the best times are just ahead of you!
  17. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Hope to upload a few more photos tomorrow.
    Did more work today. First, I got 1.04 TON of dirt!
    Unloaded that from truck, alone! Then, went back and got about 220
    pounds of moss rock. Been working on getting that terraced in.
    Gotta get much more rock before long, so I can continue with adding
    retaining walls etc....

    Not bad for a Monday afternoon, and just under $40, for materials.
  18. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    The same here. Great memories.

    Boxcab E50
  19. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    As promised, a few updated photos of progress.
    Went and got 1.04 TON of topsoil, after Dr app't yesterday.
    Unloaded truck, alone! Then, went back and got 220 pounds of moss rock.
    Lot more rock is needed. Waiting for CRRM Auction 46 results first, before I
    get anything more.

    Quite happy with how things are looking so far!
    As always, comments/suggestions/etc....accepted!




  20. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I sooooooooo didn't need to see this.. Now I want a Garden RR! Darn you, Keith!:p
    It looks 'Grande! Nice work!

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