CORK TILE USE and (related>) MARSH LAND scenery

MarkInLA Nov 6, 2012

  1. MarkInLA

    MarkInLA Permanently dispatched

    The final end of my road is a 2'x 5' peninsula which will be either entirely dedicated to a mining operation or more likely now several seperate clients' spurs, very urban industrial and some street running..In any event, I have cork tile squares which can cover the whole plywood area...As I haven't commited to the exact track plan in here can I merely cover entire area with the cork, lay in track later, and then remove (chisel away) any cork not wanted later ? I have alot of areas on layout with (regretably) spikes directly into ply .This was a mistake as ply a large percentage of the time bends spikes..In here I've too many times had to use a push-pin to drive a pilot hole for spikes...So, in new area I've decided to make it easier on myself and pre-cork entire area first... Or,is this not the way to go either ?
    Secondly, in same peninsula I have a deck bridge I want to cross a mashy area instead of a lake-inlet or river..Is there an explaination somewhere on how to make marsh land ? Thanks....

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