OTHER Ft. Smith streetcar 224

friscobob Mar 16, 2003

  1. friscobob

    friscobob Staff Member


    Fully-restored streetcar 224 rests between runs at the trolley museum in Ft. Smith, AR. The museum is located on the site of the former Midland Valley yard, and uses some of the MV trackage to run on. The carbarn was built by the members, and uses some of the doors off the Frisco roundhouse (just north of downtown Ft. Smith).

    Whem my oldest two kids (by a first marriage) were younger, I'd take 'em to the museum now & then- they had a ball ringing the bell by stepping on the floor button.

    Besides this streetcar, there are several pieces of Katy rolling stock, a UP caboose, two other streetcars (the shop is well-equipped) and a rapid transit bus used in the movie "Biloxi Blues", which was filmed out at Ft. Chaffee and Van Buren, AR.
  2. Johnny Trains

    Johnny Trains Passed away April 29, 2004 In Memoriam

    Nice piece of equipment and of course it's even better when the kids enjoy it!
  3. friscobob

    friscobob Staff Member


    The above is the website of the Ft. Smith Trolley Museum. Besides the aforementioned pieces of equipment on display, it also has Frisco Mikado 4003, which is cosmetically restored. The one-two hammer-from-hell blow of high insurance costs and very pricey boiler repair will most likely keep this ol' girl stiffed & mounted.

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