Gas tank wagon lease signed

Mr. RSS May 24, 2012

  1. Mr. RSS

    Mr. RSS Administrator

    RUSSIA: Leasing firm Brunswick Rail announced a seven-year agreement to supply 150 gas tank wagons to the SIBUR-Trans subsidiary of petrochemicals group SIBUR on May 24.The type 15-1780 wagons built by Ukrainian firm Poltavhimmash are designed to carry propane and butane. The first 20 are expected to be delivered by the end of May, with the remainder by the end of June. Brunswick Rail has a fleet of more than 22 000 wagons, and the latest deal takes the number leased by SIBUR-Trans to 760. 'Given the current shift in demand from open wagons towards specialised rolling stock, we are interested in working closely with companies from the petrochemicals and gas sectors', said Brunswick Rail Deputy CEO & Business Development Director Vladimir Khoroshilov. 'In the medium term, we plan to increase the number of specialised wagons in our fleet, including gas tank cars, and hope that this will give us the opportunity to further meet our clients' demand for such rolling stock.'


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