HOn3 D&RG #168 - Finishing the Engine

Glenn Butcher Oct 29, 2023

  1. Glenn Butcher

    Glenn Butcher TrainBoard Member

    Just put up a new post on my blog:


    Been doing quite a bit on the project, trying to put a bow on a static model. The github repo is current with my endeavors:


    In a few days I'll update the .stl release.

    Not related to this thread category, just took delivery of a Sherline 8" lathe and mill column (well, I ordered the wrong column, so the correct one is in in the mail). Soon as I get it mounted to a board I have a length of 1/2" aluminum rod to do the obligatory first face/cut... :LOL:
  2. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    Enjoy, I've had a lot of enjoyment over the years with a mill and lathe and bet you do to....

    Glenn Butcher and BNSF FAN like this.
  3. Glenn Butcher

    Glenn Butcher TrainBoard Member

    Enjoyment deferred, I went to Home depot to procure a nice board and feet on which to mount the lathe. There, found a pine stair tread for $12US, nice grain and nuts-on flat. On the way home, realized, this'll get stained with machine oil, will need a coat of something. Got home, wife likes the board, wants to stain and clear-coat it. Can't do that right now, bad weather... :ROFLMAO:

    Just went to the wood stash in the garage and found a piece of framing 2x10, got a bit of a crown, but the board you have is worth more than the board you don't have yet...
    gmorider and BoxcabE50 like this.
  4. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Reminder: wife is always right. ...and the board you have is worth more.
    Glenn Butcher and BNSF FAN like this.

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