i was bored

sidney Aug 6, 2022

  1. sidney

    sidney TrainBoard Member

    today one of those lazy i don't wanna do nuttin days , but bored so i needed sumtin ta do kinda thing.:rolleyes:
    i was playing in scarm just piddling around and came up with this weird track .
    started out trying to just find the right curves for two # 6 turn outs and would up with this :)
    not planning on build just messing around. too hot to work out side didn't feel like messing with my layout either.
    I'm still waiting on some parts namely a motor shield for one of my Arduino's. feel like i need to make a very small test layout ( i dunno why ) maybe to test locos ,speed match possibly............(y)

    Attached Files:

  2. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Size? Kinda involved for a test track, but could be a nice layout that doubles for testing! Not sure what the tiny siding between the curves on the right end is for.

    Also, beware the S-curves on the bottom side.
    gmorider likes this.
  3. sidney

    sidney TrainBoard Member

    i was just messing around in scarm no plans to build . i have not decided on a test track yet. if i do it will an oval , just big enough to test locos speed matching. im still waiting on Amazon or flea bay cant remember where i ordered parts from right now.......
    shoot i dont even know where i could put a test track right now......
    gmorider likes this.
  4. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    I know what you mean. I often try to "copy' others' layout designs, but in Unitrack (what I use) just to see what it would be like, or to see what I might change to make it more to my liking. It's cheap entertainment/occupation for a retired guy when it's too dang hot (or cold) to do anything outside or in the garage shop.
  5. sidney

    sidney TrainBoard Member

    yes sir and its been hot here too. i do have many projects to do i just dont feel like doing them, i got lazy then bored .
    got the grand kids here now so they keep me busy now:D...
    i still dont know what kinda test track to build or where in the world im going to store it...
    BigJake and gmorider like this.
  6. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    I have an N scale treadmill (rollers). Not really a full replacement for a test track (e.g. no speed matching or curves), but I can get it out and set it up quickly and easily. I guess the same goes for a small loop of Unitrack, but that needs more room than the treadmill.

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