MODELING It's a Special Christmas Edition Weekend Modeling Plans 2023!

Jim Wiggin Dec 22, 2023

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome back everyone to the gateway to the weekend and to Christmas! Hard to believe that the holiday is here on Monday and 2023 is almost over. Let's see if there is any chance of us getting some model railroading done this busy long weekend.

    Friday: With two live feeds and a contest this past week, I'll be leaving work midafternoon. I know it's going to be a busy weekend so I'll probably enjoy a few hours in the workshop getting it cleaned up so I can finish gift wrapping.

    Saturday: Despite my best efforts, I still need Christmas gifts. Fortunately, they are for my father-in-law so that means it will be automotive related. I'll still sleep in before heading out to get something. Once back, I'm sure the wife will be in full Christmas mode, so I'll probably wrap gifts upstairs and offer assistance when needed. Saturday night, my good buddy from my NTRAK days and his wife are meeting Ang and I for dinner and to see how his N scale projects are going.

    Sunday: Whatever needs to be done for Christmas will probably take up most of the day. Regardless, it will start with coffee and at least an hour in the workshop, organizing my model railroad goals for 2024. Later we'll head to Angela's grandmas place for Christmas. It should be a nice, quiet celebration.

    CHRISTMAS: It looks like our kids and granddaughter will arrive later in the afternoon. Ang and I will probably have a relaxing Christmas morning with just us and the dogs. Later towards the evening our son and her girlfriend and daughter with her husband and daughter will come over for Christmas. The highlight will be the granddaughter who is now of the age to really enjoy the holiday. This grandpa has spoiled her and is looking forward in seeing her enjoy Christmas. Looking forward to seeing the excitement and spending time with the family.

    So how about you? What do you have planned for this long Christmas weekend? Is there any chance of model railroading? If not, we are soon approaching the long days of winter where our activities are a welcome change of pace. Let us know how you plan to celebrate and if you plan to get any modeling done. We'll return on Tuesday, December 26th to see how we did, and how Christmas was. Maybe we'll get some new model railroad items. Until then, have a great weekend, stay safe and...

    High Greens!
  2. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Happy Friday to Y'all and a very Merry Christmas to Y'all and Y'all's families!!

    Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornin: - Decaling the H12-44's - and hopefully get 'em done and in service.

    Sunday afternoon evening: We will be heading over to our Daughter's home to spend Christmas eve with her, her husband and our precious Granddaughter.

    Christmas: We plan to watch the new Willy Wonka movie, follow by the Gene Wilder Wonka with my Brother, his Partner and our Mom.
    As well as our gift exchange and Christmas breakfast. Then relax for the rest of the day.

    So, Y'all have a spectacular Christmas weekend, - and - God Bless

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    Happy Friday everyone! My weekend started yesterday actually. Did a little work in the train room including hanging some pictures in the entry hall and ran some trains and of course watching Jim's live stream with guest Tony Cook. If you missed it and are a Dash 9 fan, check it out, they had some great pictures to share.
    Friday - Have a few errands to run this morning which include picking up a couple of last Christmas presents for the wife and son along with a stop at the hardware store to find some screws the right size for mounting some Digitrax UP7 panels. Once home, I'll take advantage of the nice weather and make some progress on the new fascia for the layout. We have some friends coming for dinner.
    Saturday - Coffee, yes, lots of coffee, then wrap Christmas presents and then turn my attention to the layout for a bit and work more on the fascia. More friends are stopping by for a late lunch and visit. If there is time after, I'll head back to the layout for a bit.
    Sunday - We are going to do the 2pm Christmas eve service this year so I may get some time to work on the layout while the wife and son sleep in. We'll most likely do a late lunch early dinner with friends after and then home for family movie time. Other than A Charlie Brown Christmas, not sure what else is on the play list yet.
    Christmas - I always cook a big family breakfast on Christmas morning. I look forward to that. Far as I know, we will not be having guest for Christmas dinner but will help the wife where I can and depending what's going on, maybe get a chance to go down and run some trains. Maybe Santa will bring me something new :D All I can say is I at least tried to be a good lid this year. Didn't succeed but tried.
    Tuesday - We'll be back here but it is also part of my weekend and I plan to spend the day split between laundry and the layout!

    Hope you all have a great weekend and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!
  4. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    Salutations upon the Season Everyone.
    Family arrived last night at 11:00. We now have 7 people in 900 square feet + the train room, 200 sq feet.
    Priorities: None, Hmmm, get the 'Graffiti Fence' painted white so folks can sign it. I changed it to from cardboard to foam for appearance.
    Friday: Paint Graffiti Fence.
    Run the 'Christmas Train' which is loaded with candy, Hot Wheels and other torys.
    Take 'the boys' for a walk and try to engage the 14yo to participate in painting figures.
    3 Christmas Train  Carlsen 3yo rs 20231221_173452.jpg

    Sautrday: Unknown but likely try to engange the 3 and 14yo with the trains. It is only a loop of track with lots of switching I am not sure how it will play out.
    Sunday: After getting the new toys, er, trains I will run them.
    Monday: Who knows?
    Family will be here till 28th.
  5. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    Good morning everyone and Merry Christmas!

    It will be a quiet holiday weekend around here with just the wife and I. It's been raining so I've had a reprieve from yard work for the past couple of days. I'll be spending some time in the train room working on the scenery for the hillside at the eastern end of the layout. I'll also be working on a GHQ crane kit.

    Wishing you all joyful holiday whatever you are doing.
  6. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    Going to be a busy weekend, so I don't know if I will get much modeling done, but I do have 4 cars ready to decal and if I have time I will be doing that.

    Friday, this afternoon will be going to lunch with my brother who came into Cleveland from Toledo, also my son is here from Colorado and we are having a get together with his family and ours and to celebrate my birthday. Later in the evening will be going to bowling and hope to have a better outing than Tuesdays.

    Saturday, going to finish wrapping gifts and then a party at a neighbor's house, this is when I may squeeze in some modeling time, but we have to play a game of Rail Baron with my son.

    Sunday, only thing scheduled is going to my son's house to celebrate Christmas as they are going to his wife's parents house on Christmas day.

    Monday, may get some modeling done as nothing scheduled, will attempt to finish a 50' RBL to get ready for painting.

    Rick Jesionowski
  7. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    Friday-got out of work a few minutes ago. I’ve got some errands to run this afternoon, and some final Xmas prep.

    Saturday/Sunday-work on the track plan, take measurements and get my hardware store shopping list prepared.

    Monday-Christmas. I give my kids a piece of rolling stock at Xmas and on their birthdays. I suspect I’ll spend quite a bit of time watching them play with Lego. Unfortunately since we moved I haven’t gotten my layout put together enough to rain trains, so the Metra Operation North Pole Train won’t be running this year. Since no family is in town and we’re staying home, I’ll be making a bunch of phone calls to keep in touch.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Busy times at the Wiggin's. :) H12-44's rollout! :cool: Here's to less laundry and more layout! :love: Idea: Arrange temporary bunks under the layout. :unsure: GHQ crane kit sounds like an uplifting experience. (I'll stop now.) :p Monday modeling sounds promising. (y) Ahh, track plan work. (y)Merry Christmas to all on the thread and forum. Looks like a "blockbuster" Holiday coming. :LOL: At this point, in spite of a distraction or two this past week, I am now ready to attach car bodies to running gear. :cautious: That is when the glue is completely dry. :unsure: Next will be corner steps. Then, the five passenger cars project, should be complete. :p All be safe and have fun over the Holiday. :D
  9. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Greetings all and MERRY CHRISTMAS to each of you and your loved ones. Sometime over the Christmas week, the plan is to:
    1. Work some on the small "Bakers Country Store" kit I started last weekend. Need to get the windows doors painted, installed, then assemble the finished walls together.
    2. Also intend to keep working on overall scenery here and there.
    3. Watch college bowl games. ESPECIALLY, the NC State vs Kansas State on Thursday in the "POP-Tart" Bowl from Orland.
    4. Christmas day the Mrs. and I will attend Mass w/ our son in the morning. Then later, the kids with spouses and my two grandsons home from college are coming to Christmas dinner. Looking forward to that as much as anything.

    Have a great, week all! Merry Christmas from the Albemarle Division!


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