MODELING It's Friday! 02-03-12 Weekend Modeling Plans.

Jim Wiggin Feb 3, 2012

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    The first month of the year is behind us, along with our plans to diet and any other New Years Resolutions. It's February, time for more modeling plans.

    Last weekend was great for me. Because there are no real hobby shops around me, I was able to stock up on mainly scenery items. My goal this weekend is to add scenery and scrub to the north side of Potter Place on the track sides, as well as ad some rock out croppings to the embankment and pond area. I also want to finish the north end of the road, paint and get the passenger station platform and parking area done. If I get all of that done, I'm hopping to start working on early fall trees. I spent last night organizing all my scenery, kits and signals into mid size, stackable plastic storage containers. This will make it easier to find things and move. The goal of further organization, consolidation and cleaning is still a goal this weekend as well. Of coarse on Sunday this New England Patriots fan will be cheering for his team, even while he is in the middle of New York Giants territory.

    So how about you? What do your plans include this weekend? Any train shows or displays? Any railfan adventures? Maybe some layout time or scratch building a new structure? Let us know what your up to this weekend, and your plans. We'll get together on Monday the 6th to compare notes.

    ​High Greens!
  2. MisterBeasley

    MisterBeasley TrainBoard Supporter

    I'm leaving right after work to go skiing. We haven't done much of that this year, partly because the weather has been uncooperative, partly because my wife's neck has her on Injured Reserve for the season, and partly because we had to stay home one weekend to put our daughter on the plane for her term studying in Italy. This time, though, I get to hit the slopes. We'll be coming home a bit early to get back in time for the game. Train plans? No, there isn't going to be time this weekend.

    I've gotten a bit further on the girder rail installation. I've built the base up all the way to the transition point from street-running to rails-on-ties, and I've got only a few more sections of rail to install. It looks like I'll have to re-align an adjacent siding, as the curve didn't quite come out where I though it would, and there's not quite enough clearance. But, that's why I never ballasted that section in the first place. The track crew, though, is off until Monday.
  3. HOexplorer

    HOexplorer TrainBoard Supporter

    I'll be working on a Caspia Tree Making threat for the Logging and Mining group. Plus I will take in a football game. Jim
  4. retsignalmtr

    retsignalmtr TrainBoard Member

    I'll be going back to the Yorktown Heights,NY. museum tomorrow to do some more planning to finish the scenery and upgrade the wiring on the museums HO layout.
  5. Philip H

    Philip H TrainBoard Member

    What time I have may be split between getting the last of the bad order rolling stock back on the rails, and hunting for more bargains at the Timonium MD show . . . and watching more parts of the railroad documentary collection I got on DVD for Christmas.

    MOPMAN TrainBoard Member

    The only work on the railroad I plan is spiking rail on the branch line to Clarksville. Once the branch line trackage is complete, I can drive the golden spike but, there is still a lot of track work to go.
  7. mtaylor

    mtaylor Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    My weekend modeling plans.
    1. Experiment with Candy Streeter's idea of using liquid latex as a "paking brake" on a siding. I purchased some Woodland Scenics liquid latex and will start with a proof of concept using some spare track. I discovered another siding that apparently is slightly on grade for my grain elevator. I spotted some cars and rolled away the loco only to have the railcars pursue in chase. These cars had very nice wheelsets and are VERY freerolling (which is good). I am some older Bluebox cars with old wheelsets spotted there before and never noticed the issue. No biggie, will fix the minor problems as they are discovered.

    2. Continue to work on custom painted TCW GP20 locos conversion to DCC/Sound chassis.

    3. If time permits, will also work on BN GP20 conversion to DCC/Sound chassis if the TCW locos are successful. In hind sight, I wish I would have waited to have locos custom painted had I known that Walthers had DCC/Sound equped GP20 & GP30 locos. Also would have paid to have had the gazillion details parts installed. I am just not that steady handed for super fince detail parts. (big hands and not super steady).

    4. If I can get my rear end moving in time, finally make it to the post office to ship a few items sold and my two BLI SD9 locos with the fired LED's to BLI for warranty repair.

    5. Order some decoders for six locos that are inbound.

    6. Watch the Superbowl and root for the Patriots. Will not be heartbroken if the Giants win as I am first a frusturated Vikings fan. NFL playoffs were great this year and both teams deserve to be there. I know for certain that either the Patriots or the Giants will win the Superbowl :)
  8. Brett_Henderson

    Brett_Henderson TrainBoard Member

    Ballast, ballast, ballast, and more ballast.. !
  9. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    1) Paint scenery base and road bed on the end section of bottom level.
    2) Carve out embankment where US 33 crosses over, and paint the foam base.
    3) Construct embankment along the curve on the end section where the yard lead, run around and main track diverge.

    Geographically, it is not plausible for US 33 to pass over the railroad yard since in this area, the prototype road is built on grade, not along a hill or river. I-77 should actually be passing over the yard but to make an Interstate to scale width would take up too much of the layout. Just need a bridge to "frame" the mirror which will be behind it against the backdrop for the visual effect.
  10. HydroSqueegee

    HydroSqueegee TrainBoard Member

    making more rocks! trying different colors and techniques to see what works before i glue them to the scene.

    oh... and trying my hand at a wooden grade crossing.

    Attached Files:

  11. mu26aeh

    mu26aeh TrainBoard Member

    Moving last week's plans to this week. I'd like to make my layout a continuous loop, at least temporarily until I get my bridge work together. Hope to get the rest of the track laid this weekend. Perhaps make a trip to the LHS too
  12. Curto

    Curto TrainBoard Member

    I'm not going to have any more time this weekend... so here's my plan and achievement :)

    I have a NYC RS-3 (8203) that I custom painted but it still had the truck mounted rapido's. Last night I cut the old couplers off the trucks and filed clean, filled the gaps between steps with epoxy, then this morning cut a notch in (effectively creating a pilot) and installed a MTL 1015 (with a small dab of superglue) at each end. Painted epoxy black and now it looks and functions great (IMHO).
    I had been putting this off because I didn't have a coupler height gauge and didn't want to mess it up after doing the custom paint job :) (see thread at ... Flashwave's instructions gave me the confidence to give it a go :))

    MTL-1.jpg MTL-2.jpg

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