MODELING It's Monday, March 4th, 2024: Weekend Modeling Accomplishments

Jim Wiggin Mar 4, 2024

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome back everyone, I hope your first modeling weekend of March was successful. Let's dig in.

    Friday: My doctors visit was good; the procedure was easy and fortunately they knock you out, so you don't remember anything. Once I awoke, my wife took me out for a burger and iced tea which was great after two days of clear liquids only. I got back home and camped out on the sofa at both the doctors and wife's request and headed to bed early.

    Saturday: I finished the last bits of my rebuilt carb whilst enjoying my coffee. Once finished with the carb, we got cleaned up and headed to Angela's dads. After a quick lunch, we started working on the carb. As old mechanical items tend to do, more work and adjustments were needed. We fought with stripped threads and adjustments until finally at 6:00pm, the Falcon was running. Sure, was nice to drive the old girl again. We ran out of time for further adjustments and will continue next weekend. We had a late dinner then headed home for the night.

    Sunday: We slept in until 6:30am. I made coffee and woke up whilst watching YouTube videos on old cars and trains. Once awake and cleaned up, I started the process of cutting the backdrops of the HO modules that will make up the HO switching layout. It was a beautiful 70 degrees, and the garage was a mess from winter, so I worked on the garage for a bit as well as put a battery tender on the Ford truck. Between cleaning the garage and working on the truck, I was still able to build my skyboards so they are removable for if and when I should take them to a show.
    With the weather so nice, I cooked burgers on the grill and enjoyed the evening with the wife and pups. And like that, the weekend was over.

    So how about you? What did you accomplish this first weekend of March? Let us know. We'll assemble again on Friday the 8th to start the process all over again. Until then, have a good week, especially you retired guys, stay healthy, be safe and as always...

    High Greens!
  2. MetraMan01

    MetraMan01 TrainBoard Member

    I finished a few chores, finished birthday shopping for my youngest, and plotted/schemed on plans my garden and yard.

    Getting back on track for this thread, I keep circling around on this helix idea, puns intended, but didn’t finish the sketch.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Good morning all. Hope everyone had a great weekend. This weekend went as planned. Saturday spent the day working on scenery. Mostly the small stream as well as some other scenery details. Sunday AM I spent about an 1 1/2 hours at the work bench. That was it. Sunday afternoon my son and his wife took us to see the new Dune movie and then out to dinner.

    Everyone have a great week. Daylight savings ends this coming weekend!!!
  4. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Good mornin to Y'all

    @Jim Wiggin - Great news on your procedure.

    I had a very good weekend.

    Saturday's work session on my friends layout went very well. - Accomplished that he wanted to do.

    My H12-44 project is progressing slow but steadily moving forward.

    Y'all have a great week,

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    Happy Monday!

    The weekend went about as planned. Friday night, I worked a bit on some freight car loads and gathered up items needed for Saturday. Progress was good.

    Saturday was an all day adventure but still have to do a little more next Saturday and should be all done with the hard part. I didn't feel so great when I got up. The doc upped my dose on a medicine again. This is the highest dose now so thank goodness it won't go up again. As usual, it never sets well either but somehow, I made it through the day.

    Sunday, despite feeling sick, sore, and achy, I ventured down to the work bench and picked up where I left off Friday night. I managed to completely finish two freight car loads and get 2 more almost done. Installed metal wheel sets on 3 more cars. I also tackled another DCC install, this time on a Kato P42 and it well compared to my last couple. In the end, I won and I turned the loose for some time running on the layout just to make sure all was well.

    Here we are at Monday. Still a bit queasy but of course the aches and pains are gone now that its back to work time. Hope you all have a great week!.
  6. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    Harvested another crop of trees from my puffball tree nursery, but haven't planted them yet.
  7. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    Weekend went sort of as planned, I managed to do nothing on Friday modeling wise, but had a good night of bowling as I had a 611 series and the team took all 7 points.

    Saturday, went to the club and ran my CP passenger train along with good conversation and gentle ribbing from all involved. Did not do much else but watched an old movie with my wife.

    Sunday, did the laundry and went to COSTCO for some items. Did a lot of cleanup under the work bench so now I can see the floor when I drop a part that maybe I can find it now. Put together of the Scaletrains easy kits (NKP Gondola), then continued to work on an Intermountain R70-20 Reefer and got most of the exterior details applied.

    Rick Jesionowski
  8. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    Good morning everyone,

    Rained here on and off all weekend. Was able to piece together one good Digitrax throttle from parts of others that were either dead or obsolete. Made good progress on the automatic yard sensing project mostly working on the drawings. Did a little work on one of the buildings for Carlin and started a microwave communications tower for the SP operations office.
  9. Hoss

    Hoss TrainBoard Member


    I continued developing my layout design a bit over the weekend.

    Added grades and elevations...

    Dark Brown - Elevation +0"
    Blue - Elevation +6"
    Dark Green - Elevation +10"
    Yellow - 2% grade

    Getting the grades to work right in the "Texas Tehachapi" was the hardest part, but eventually I sorted it out.


    I also started messing around with some preliminary scenery concepts (really just shading). Not much to see but...

    Texas Tehachapi before scenery...

    Texas Tehachapi after scenery...

    And just some general shading along the back "high" mainlines to represent forest/trees through the rural part of my layout...
  10. Tompm

    Tompm TrainBoard Supporter

    We had a pretty good weekend. We did all the running we needed to do such as the produce store, Kohls for some returns, Target, PetSmart, and the grocery store. We even had dinner at Cracker Barrel. Sunday was a lazy day. My wife sells stuff on Poshmark and she did a live show for 90 minutes. I had to help her get set up and stay close by to help if a technical problem came up. We did some St Patrick’s Day decorating. I worked on laundry until my daughter needed the washing machine.

    I cleared enough stuff off the layout to put the Ambassador Hotel on the layout. I painted the metal frames of six Roundhouse 36 ft wood refeer kits. I organized my Rapido, Athearn, and Walthers trailers and put them in bins for storage.

    I am hoping to stop at the body shop to see my car on the way home from work. I think my wife’s car will be done by the middle of this week.
  11. Atani

    Atani TrainBoard Member

    Even with the very rainy weekend (~4.5in from Thurs to yesterday) and a very light dusting of snow (~1/4in) I was able to get some of my plans completed over the weekend. Successfully assembled four Nexxt Gateways and printed a few enclosures which need some adjustments. This morning I'm printing the updated enclosures and painting the recessed text with a brush rather than the paint pen since I didn't get the results I was after with it:

    I'm hoping a small brush and craft paints will result in a better result. If I had a contrasting color of resin I'd opt for filling in the text with that instead. Also note that this was a test print and has some artifacts from printing as a result.
  12. Pastor John

    Pastor John TrainBoard Member

    @Jim Wiggin I'm glad things went well.

    Well, Friday was almost entirely devoted to turning in homework before the deadline, and then Saturday doing some more homework reading that didn't get done the day before. By afternoon, neither of us felt like cooking anything, so we headed out to a local Mexican restaurant for lupper (ie. lunch/supper). I continue to dabble at my flatcar load in dribs and drabs as it's all balsa and wood glue. I do one or two pieces, and then it sits for a few hours (or a day) until I do one or two more.

    Sunday was a full day. As usual, I was at church by 0730 and left around 11:30, then a quick lunch before heading out to the Sebring Model Railroad Club for our monthly business meeting. I hung out there for a little while afterward before going home for a sandwich and a change of clothes before heading out to the Community Lenten evening worship service at a non-denominational church (where I preached). Then home again, to relax for an hour or two before bed.

    Here's the progress on some of my fictional machine parts as of Friday.

    Last edited: Mar 4, 2024
  13. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Backdrops do add a lot. ;) Hmm. A helix? o_O The ol' fishing stream. (y) I understand "slowly moving forward" myself. Good running is good news. :)New tree crop will help fill out the forest. :cool: New gon coming out. (y) Com tower sounds like the brains of the railroad. :unsure: Excellent design effort. Gonna' be good! :love: Thirty-six foot reefers sounds cool. :cool: Printed enclosure looks well done. (y) Machine parts look great. :) I have been making windows for the passenger depot. I am trying out a new glazing method. :cautious: If successful, it should look better and not be as "fiddly" to make. :unsure: The last batch is drying as I type. Have a great and busy week. :D
  14. Mark St Clair

    Mark St Clair TrainBoard Member

    @Jim Wiggin Glad the procedure went well.

    @Pastor John Were those fictional machine parts orange in a previous incarnation?

    Had a good weekend. Soccer was one win and one draw. Bacon and eggs were very good. I actually did clean the path to the lathe, but not until Sunday night. The new boiler drawing was completed, but the cutting will have to wait until later this week. With all that, there was progress on the taxes, too!

    Stay safe,
    Jim Wiggin, Atani, Kitbash and 6 others like this.
  15. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Spent time contacting supposed retailers for some HOn30 items, which one manufacturer has listed on their website. Finding out that list is so outdated as to be almost useless. :( A few are no longer in business. Most of the few remaining do not and have not stocked in quite some time.

    Had my taxes done last week. Saw where I stood with any available hobby funds. Ordered that HOn30 steam loco I was procrastinating over last weekend. Yay! Meanwhile, I received an order of couplers, wheels and parts which allows me to proceed with building a few more HOn30 freight cars. Had a short train running loops around my N scale mini-T-Trak empire. Such simple pleasure just watching it loop slowly around. Scooped up a small lot of special train orders via "that" auction site.

    Overall, I only hope this week will be as enjoyable for hobbies!
  16. Pastor John

    Pastor John TrainBoard Member

    Indeed they were. At least parts of them were.

    You can find the beginning of that story on the "What's on your workbench" thread here:
  17. MRLdave

    MRLdave TrainBoard Member

    I was pretty ambitious.......I wrapped up the 6 trucks for my stockyards ( 4 semi tractor-trailers, and 2 stakebed trucks) and then started a project I'd been putting off far too the wheels on my SP&S locos. My SP&S stuff only runs on the club NTRAK layout, and gets "forgotten" in the box when it's at home. But last time I ran them, I had trouble finding locos that ran reliably, so pulled them ( 30 locos) out of the box and started cleaning. Some were so bad I was literally flaking "pepper flakes" off the wheels.......oops! I hope to finish the last 8 today.

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