MODELING It's Monday, September 8th, 2014: Weekend Modeling Accomplishments

Jim Wiggin Sep 8, 2014

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Another weekend has come to a close, were you productive?

    As promised, I set out to kit the parts for four 4-foot by 18" modules and got close to my goal. Three modules are about 75% complete. I'll finish these kits before we have our first work shop session next weekend. Did a little impromptu railfaning around the Danville Illinois area and found some interesting spots. Learned that the old Peoria and Eastern line between Danville and Urbana will be preserved as a rail trail which will be great for future rail archeology visits. Sunday, we took it easy since we finally had some cooler weather.

    So how about you? Did you get those model railroad projects done? Let us know! We'll come back on Friday the 12th to start all over again. Until then, have a safe week and...

    ​High Greens!
  2. MisterBeasley

    MisterBeasley TrainBoard Supporter

    Nothing, but that was according to plan. We were camping up in Freeport, Maine, and watching our daughter compete in a triathlon. This was longer than the other "sprint" triathons she's done, and her goal was just to finish, which she did.

    We did get out for some trail riding on our bikes, and crossed a few rail lines along the way. Again, we heard the horns from AmTrak's Downeaster a few times, but that was about it.
  3. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    Accomplished little this weekend. Short on cash until next pay day, need to buy plaster and several other things to keep various layout projects moving. Next scenery item to tackle is to cast and set rocks on the hillside I just cut out last week. Also need more detail parts for various locomotives.
  4. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    I accomplished much this weekend. I finished the car card boxes for each industry, came up with a new name for my lumber yard, continued the gluing of road bed and track. Found an issue with previous laid track and fixed it. Glued down the cork for my larger yard and pulled out some passenger cars to test track with. Found the three heavy weight 6 axle cars don't like my curves so looks like static displays are afoot. Also my son helped build and install the extension to the bench work. Now to build the swing bridge.[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  5. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    I accomplished getting the two lower porches done on my Avram's project. Also accomplished completely trashing the workshop in the process.


  6. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    If that's a trashed workshop then you should see mine. Can't even see anything let alone move around right now. ;p

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  7. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Put my N scale (Minitrix) SP DS-121 H12-44 back into the shop- for some much needed upgrading. I redid the cab shades, added- wind deflectors, coupler lift bars, grabs - on the nose, trainline air hoses, removed train number indicator boxes, fuel fillers, in the process of correcting its road number (I numbered it incorrectly- years ago) and- finally - I repowered it with a Bachmann NW-2 mechanism. Next - will be the lights. These units had the full SP light package. I changed the decoder to a DZ143.

    Fun stuff,

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