Kato 'On / Off' Plug and Play Switch

Grey One Jan 6, 2024

  1. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    HO Kato Unitrak
    I am running DC
    Kato power supply
    I want to electrically isolate the Main Line from the yard / industrial area but allow brief access from Main Line to Arrival / Departure track.
    The HO turnouts are not power routing.
    can anyone explain the following ?
    From the Kato 2023 Final Catalog
    "Power Feed Control Switch / Power Direction Control Switch
    A switch to turn the
    separate rail yards ON /
    OFF independently with
    the combination of
    Insulated Unijoiners and
    the Turntable Expansion
    A switch to change the
    direction of electric
    polarity by connecting to
    the Feeder Track.
    In particular:
    "A switch to turn the
    separate rail yards ON /
    OFF independently with
    the combination of
    Insulated Unijoiners and
    the Turntable Expansion

    It goes on to mention polarity as well.

    Should i contact Kato USA?

  2. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    Kato: 24-850 is an 'On Off' switch which connects from the power supply. to a terminal track.
    I finally found my answer at a well documented vendors site.
    "Control box allows you to turn on/off track feeders ..."
    My current HO vendor just quoted Kato and was

    This is an expensive way to go but it will get me there safely.
    IASH - I ain't stayin home.
    Note: Neither vendor is a Trainboard advertiser.

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