Neat Track Cleaner Tool

MarkInLA Feb 13, 2013

  1. MarkInLA

    MarkInLA Permanently dispatched

    Because I ask for alot of advice I like to give some back when I can....A friend at a club in L A got me away from Brightboys as they scratch up rail head...He uses a piece of wood. another has a piece of wood with leather on one end..But he and most everyone rubs both rails at the same time...I found a great tool; a chopstick...They must be the heavier kind that have a square area on one end..point the square down onto the rail and rub it along...It will fall off alot until you've worn a groove into it..Then cleaning goes REALLY fast..Last night i spray painted rust and camouflage colors onto 3 soldered pieces of flex...I installed track and chopstick removed the paint from heads in a flash ! Back and forth and gobs build up in front of it and drop right off to side..doing one rail at a time seems to be more accurate and less intrusive to things to two foot lengths clear off very quickly whether paint is dry or not...of course for dirt, too...I sometimes soak the wood with alcohol which kind of soaks into the square..once the groove is there it's real sturdy..I suppose you could start a groove with a exacto, too...
    I'd also like to repeat here that I am sold on toothpicks for uncoupling..thiness is kinder and gentler on coupler parts, slips in between easier, and sometimes it remains standing in the knuckle, to be lifted out as coupling begins.....Mark
  2. paperkite

    paperkite TrainBoard Member

    Mark ,
    Thanks for info , did you find that the bamboo polished the rail versus just taking off paint etc.?
  3. MarkInLA

    MarkInLA Permanently dispatched

    I don't think it polishes other than allows original sheen to remain....Well ,it could be bamboo be I suppose..never thought of that..It is very sturdy, hard, smooth; not the thinner splintery type chopstick at many take outs..Usually wrapped in paper..Square end is like 1" x 1/4" x 3/16", about 8" long. Have a toothpick while you're at it !! Funny, huh, chopsticks and toothpicks !! Oh,yeah, about clothespins .......I was thinking if.................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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