MarkInLA Feb 13, 2010

  1. MarkInLA

    MarkInLA Permanently dispatched

    Just for trudging through my below novel about my RDC, soon to be on the best seller's list (more like cellar's list) I want to give you a simple thing to enhance your Atlas switches in their appearence.. First bright-boy off the black paint (God only knows why it's there) on the frog. Now with a tiny bottle of Chrome ,not silver, chrome enamel paint, paint the brown plastic insulators which surround the frog where closure-rails (that's right huh?) abutt them from other side,giving the look of continuous rail to/from frog. After you do this most simplest of 'scenery' jobs stand back and check out how more realistic the switches look ( Sorry, I'm tired of the term 'turnout' replacing what the 'realroaders' call 'switches'. Since we're moving away from toggle-switched track blocking and into digital control , the word 'turnout' to differentiate it from toggle 'switches' has and does annoy me. I /we grew up loving SWITCHES. So, this is what I shall call them. Besides, couldn't one call them 'turn-ins' , too ? ). Paint seems to remain perminant and does not affect pick-up. If it does guess ......
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2010

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