Hi All, Due to reasons that I will not go into here, I have to drop out of Pass Exchanging. I will respond to all passes that I have received and have not replied to at this point. Furthermore I will respond to all passes received that have a postmark of today October 31, 2011. Please be patient, I WILL send you a pass. Please remove my name and my railroads name (Greenbriar Delta & Rutland) from all lists that you have. I want to thank all who sent me passes, I have enjoyed them. Thank you for your understanding with this matter. Gary
Gary- I'm sorry to read of this. Hope all else is OK at your end? Are you also needing to drop from model railroading? Perhaps some day, you can resume some trading. Boxcab E50
That's a shame to hear you're out. You may end up getting a Pass from Australia, as a gentleman asked me of contacts. I have not gotten a reply back from him, however. Just forewarning.
No, still doing the trains, but just have way too much on my plate at this time, so having to cut back on parts of many different interests. I feel that it is better to cut back a small amount on all, then cut one or two out totally. The Pass Exchange is only thing with the trains at this time. I have also cut sending QSL cards for Ham Radio. Hopefully when things calm down, I can start withe the Passes again. Those of you waiting for passes from me please be patient. You WILL get them. Gary
Hello all, I have just finished sending passes and tickets for my Flying Time Railway to all the participants listed on the lists by WJ Zahn and Ray Cherniack. I would like to continue trading with anyone visiting this site who I have not already traded with. Please send me a PM with your information and I will send you my passes. Jerry
Sadly, he has never responded. Still hoping. I have none from Australia, so would sure like to get lucky.
Got mine today as well. Had a few actually from Walt that probably sent theirs the day I sent mine. Sadly though, I have a few pages still to get passes out to off of Walt and Ray's slists, but the first three pages I've heard nothing from over half of them...
Ouch. Please be sure to let Walt and Ray know. Strange but true- I have received passes back from guys several years later....
You think I should? I mean, they seem to have gone through, I've had two come back to me marked as Deceased, and several come back as Not deliverable, these just kindof trailed off into the sunset never too return.
I would let them know. So they can cross off the bad addresses, deceased, etc. Then when they provide lists to other folks, those newcomers won't be sending out to dead ends. Stamps are going up again, too. So no sense having time, effort, materials and postage go to waste.
Yeah, probably right. I have passed on the deceased notes, I think a few rejects were because of my fault. Some passes are mailed out with the Model Railroad mentioned, some aren't and I think a few POs get confused when they see the MRRs. I know Postcards went up, thankfulyl I've got a new book of first class stamps already...
I just have too many obligations Once again I ask that you remove my name and my railroads name (Greenbriar Delta & Rutland) from all lists that you may be sharing. I ask this because at this time I can not respond in a timely fashion. I realize that there are people waiting for my pass and as I said before I WILL send you a pass. The reason I am re-posting is that I am still receiving passes and requests. I appreciate the passes that I have received, but I don't want people wondering if I received their pass or if I'm just ignoring them. For the same reason that I can not be involved in the Pass Exchange at this time, I have not be able to work on my layout and that is very frustrating. For those who are wondering, it is NOT my health and I am NOT getting out of the MR hobby, I just have too many obligations at this time. In the next few months you will be hearing less from me. This is just temporary. I want to thank you for your understanding with matter. Gary
Been quiet for a while here. Anyone had some luck finding new trading partners? Anyone heard from either Ray Cherniak or Walter Zahn?