Received a card from Walt Z today. Name of a new trader. Others active and on Walt's list should be hearing from him soon.
I'd like to do a Rail Pass , could someone post a pic of a typical pass (front and or back ) so I could make a template out it and get some printed up? Paul
I have both real RR and model RR passes. Should have a few minutes later today to scan. You can do just about anything, any size. From business card to post card size. Business card size being smallest, can be a bit of a pain in some photo album sleeves, as that is how I keep mine. Do you have any "office" type programs on your computer? Mine were done in MS Publisher, set up so six fit a page. Printing is easy. I just use 67 pound white Bristol card stock and my computer printer. This is the same material from which some greeting cards are manufactured. Got it at Office Max. Should be readily available at office Depot, Staples, etc.
I think using the real thing for template on one side and the other side for model maybe , for sure to use the real as template size , font and size / s etc. what do you think? I may even look for older style ( or aged ) paper to print on .
Here is a link to the DHVM where you can see some Passes
Here are a few passes from a couple of prototype companies. Various eras, showing some of their different styles used through the years. They are made from many different materials. Some almost cloth-like, some thin paper, some a stiff card stock which is heavier than what we know from a cereal box:
Thanks for the examples , it gives the issuing agency a lot of lattitude as far as design -font- etc.. This is going to be a great part of model rail roading . Does TB have a dept for listing trades ? As soon as I can get one designed and printed, I will put it out there or in here ....
This is interesting. Reminds me of what my pass looks like and others that were issued to other railroad employees by Amtrak.
I sent you a message with my address. You will enjoy doing this there are some great minds and cards out there.
Been quiet for a while now. Anyone finding new traders? I have not come upon anyone in some months now.
Nope, I still have about a hundred names from you and Ray C. ( Hi Ray ! ) which makes 'em new to me ))) that I have yet to trade with ... I need to get more passes printed up before continuing . The ones I have so far are very humorous and pretty spiffy ... ha ha my dads favorite saying ... or was it mine . hmmmm
Haven't heard boo from anyone either... Maybe I should send a hello card out. matter of fact, I think I have a few unreturned passes out in the wind too... Gonna go through my books and see who all I've gotten cards back from...
I got one the other day and while adding to my mailing list I notice it was an address I had send a pass to several months back. I sent one any way didn't want to disappoint a pass fan.
I've had that happen a couple of times. They forget to mark their list as sent, but at least they responded.
Woo hoo! Received a new pass today! Those of you who have had contact with either Ray Cherniak, or Walter Zahn, will likely be hear one of them about from this same source. If not, drop me a PM and I'll send you his info.