Powered tenders in HO

RGW1 Apr 19, 2022

  1. RGW1

    RGW1 TrainBoard Member

    I am curranty working on a kitbash project making Dummy 2-6-2 starting from a TYCO 2-8-0. However I got a idea to power it by tender. ( Yes I know start with a powered engine ,but is cheaper and easy with unpowered.) Of course the TYCO power tender is out, poor performance and ugly.
    Any ideas. I have won some Roundhouse parts boxcabs that I think could fit a tender shell and also a parts Bachmann 70 tonner to play around with to see what will work. Yes a Athearn SW might fit but the trucks are two to long and and look very untender like.

    Any thoughts ? Please no"use a powered engine chassis".

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  2. Mr. Trainiac

    Mr. Trainiac TrainBoard Member

    Your power truck would require a 5' or 5'6" wheelbase, as that's what most freight car trucks of the day would have been. The only thing that comes to mind that's anywhere close to that is the Bachmann Doodlebug or 44 tonner.

    Have you checked the Northwest Short Line Stanton? What's the smallest drive they make?

    I would be more focused on the gearbox and axle spacing. Truck sideframes are easy to swap or 3D print. The more I think about it, the better the 44 tonner looks, especially if you can find the older version with truck-mounted motors. They would be easy to install in a tender, since the locomotive chassis is basically useless to you; it doesn't even house the motor.
  3. Doug Gosha

    Doug Gosha TrainBoard Member

    When I first read the thread title, I thought it was "Powdered..." and I thought, "Just add water."


    Last edited: Apr 20, 2022
  4. RGW1

    RGW1 TrainBoard Member

    I have bid on a parts 44 tonner , do not want to spend the money for a good one just to see if it fits. I can make the chassis and fit the shell then get running parts if need be.

    latest photo of the 2-6-2 project.

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    thetramp likes this.
  5. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    Have a look at used european steamers, many of german manufacturing ROCO, Fleischmann, Liliput have a powered tender whose chassis may be able to fit your locomotive.
  6. RGW1

    RGW1 TrainBoard Member

    All good ideas thank you . I will see what fits when they arrive in the mail. I did look on NWSL and there is powered trucks ,but would cost me around $100 for a pair. Do have a Roundhouse boxcab and Bachmann GE 70 ton parts engines coming.
  7. RGW1

    RGW1 TrainBoard Member

    I have made progress in a power car. Instead of a powered tender I am making a powered Aux water tender .

    Using a Rivarossis 0-8-0 tender shell and Bachmann 70 tonner mech.

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