There was also some work done on top of the modules. I started to separate earthwork from the plot of land using some bushes - this is just a beginning: Brick's parts of the bridge were placed in final locations: Those parts were designed by @southernnscale . Thank you again. They are waiting for metal part... Two modules together:
The main part of the bridge is in it's place. Some ballasting is already done but there is still more do be fnished:
Very nice! I love that bridge. The central span really looks great and has solid eastern European style.
Last details for the module: Module is practically finished. I will add in the future milage signs but it is necessary to produce decals for it.
I really like to detail the ladscape. It is time to work with bridge module. There is small river ...
Such excellent pictures! You truly captured a scene and one that just because of size is perfect for Z scale.
I love the attention to detail. You have such an eye for the small stuff that brings it to life! I like the dirt road insert. Not sure what to call them, but they fiill with gravel to make unimproved roads and driveways. Saw them frequently in Germany.
My two modules with the bridge and earthwork recalculated from Z scale represent 440 meters. In reality length of the railway line modelled is approximetely 700 meters long. It is a good starting point to create something with the feeling of reality.
That is a result of two things - modelling based on real place and using photos taken on site. I must addmit that sometimes I study photos several times to get those details. Of course not everything is modelled but I try to have those small things because they are salt and peper in the main course. Sometimes you have experiment with techniques necessary to create some things on the module but I do not use very complicated techniques. The price I pay for this approach is that I still do not play with trains on my modules ... I have to finish my technical station to make everything operational. I will not have several trains running simultaneusly ... I will have more prototypical slow train going from time to time in nice landscape ...