Thank you friends. As you noticed I try to model real place. Modules are almost ready so it is time to try to add trains... Real photo (source: ): on my layout:
I really like your trees and bushes. Did you explain how you made them somewhere is this thread (can t find it)? I would appreciate some tips. Matt
Most of the big trees were made by small company called Freon: . I ordered desired sizes (regular offer is mainly for HO and TT scales). Some trees I made myself using Noch 23100, spray glue and apply Noch leaves of desired colour or similar products. Bushes were made with the mix of Mininatur products (mainly: 980-13, 936-12, 980-12) and Heki products (mainly 1677 but also some other shades) I cut them into small irregular pieces and glue individually mixing textures and colours. To have some bushes with flowers i use small pieces of Polak 5989. To give impression of some smalle and bigger bushes I glue in certain places additional small pieces on the first layer and add some small pieces of Heki 1646. I always try to look at some products for bigger scale to be adapted to Z scale. HO clamp of grass may be used as a cane in Z scale. I made 10-12 smaller trees planted on the bank of the river by cutting into pieces 3 bigger trees for some bigger scale.
Walt, Thank you for your comment. There is a part of your work in this module as well. You designed brick parts of the bridge. Thank you again. Pawel
New modules create a very nice environment for military equipment. This time it is Star 66 truck for 6PDPD (parachute division livery - period 1965-70):
The military trucks look great, but the rigid "weeds" are suspending their wheels off the ground , somewhat ruining the illusion. They look great on the dirt road, though.