Rapido Trains Decal Issues

fordy744 Jul 29, 2019

  1. fordy744

    fordy744 TrainBoard Member

    I'm starting to get to the end of my tether... hopefully someone maybe able to help or atleast some consolation if someone else in in the same predicament...

    Having searched the G of oogle it appears no-one else has had any issues, or atleast voiced it online but my Dad got a pair of Alco FA-2s from the first run, given our modelling period B&O kept cab unit sets together initially so wanted to have a matched set. Rapido included a decal sheet with all numbers so the user can re-number to their hearts content.

    So I duly removed the factory printed lettering ready to re-number, I cut out the new decal and popped it in the water, the backing slides off and there is still a white backing... very odd, tested some others from elsewhere on the sheet and no better.

    So contacted Rapido, after many holding e-mails saying "we'll deal with your query soon" etc and yet more chasing, we finally got an acknowledgement that there was an issue with the decals supplied in the first run and new transparent versions had been printed and they would get a set out to us. Excellent we thought, another month and we still had no confirmation that the decals had been sent so chased up again, "sorry can't find them at the moment, chase us in a couple of months". Couple of months later we chase them up as requested and low and behold they can't find any...

    So we now have a, very expensive, unnumbered FA-2 and no decals available. Microscale etc don't do the right ones, i've looked. These FA-2s were the first Rapido models we bought, seen models others had and they reported all good but we had quality control issues when first ordered - which Rapido did resolve quickly and adequately but this decal issue is the icing on a very frustrating cake.

    So has anyone else had issues with the decals supplied with their Rapido FA-2?
    Has anyone heard of this issue with the supplied decals by Rapido?
    Does anyone have a good set of Rapido Alco FA-2 decals that they could send me the B&O bit as they use one of the other roads?
    Can anyone supply some ketamine to calm my nerves...

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