Remove Loco from Register

PhiMas Mar 4, 2020

  1. PhiMas

    PhiMas New Member

    Hi there,

    I like to use DCC++ for layouts with a moderate number of locos (~16) but it is possible, that a lot of different addresses is running during the complete session.

    So I face the issue, that I need to watch whether a single loco has not moved for ca. 2 minutes and then remove it from the refresh cycle. Is there a command in DCC++, which I can use to just remove a loco from the registers and make it vanish? Or is there another way to make DCC++ stop repeating its DCC-packets on the main track? I tried to find out this from the code but I could not really point out what happens to the registers after not sending throttle commands any longer.

    Thank you very much and best regards,

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