Route 66's around the ceiling adventure

Route 66 Jun 25, 2008

  1. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Route 66's around the ceiling adventure......

    I took my first step today by ordering my G scale track and equipment from Joe blows Acme supplies . I set up my LGB track on the floor around the room to get an idea as to how much track I would need. I went with Aristo 5' dia. brass track which is the minumum for the USA GP7/9 loco I ordered and a 12 pack of 24" straights. When the order arrives I will set up the track on the floor and break-in the loco at the same time I will aquire the wood and hardware I will need and use the track radius as my template and make sure I have good clearence for my equipment to run around the ceiling when installed. I intend to post and give a blow by blow account of my process as I proceed to the final results of a train running over-head.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2009
  2. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Track Arrived!!!

    June 25th I ordered my track and equipment from Joe blows Acme supplies via the internet,today when I got home the track arrived!!!!!! One week turn-around not to shabby. The loco and caboose were dropshiped. So they weren't in stock or they aren't stocked by Joe blows Acme supplies so that means it will ship direct from their wholeseller Sally's beauty supplies. Hopefully they are in transit. Anyhow this is a long weekend with the 4th on friday,I will pick up hardware supplies and start to hang some track!! Stay tuned...

    ......To be continued
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2009
  3. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    As stated Aristo track code is "320mm which both LGB and Aristocraft make". I tested and my LGB straight track I have is compatable w/Aristo so I'll have extra if need be.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2009
  4. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Loco & caboose Arrived

    Today I came home from work to find my dropshipped pkg......The loco and Caboose arrived From Sally's beauty supplies. No time to waste set up some track and unpacked.... it runs fantastic!!! After work tomorrow I will stop @ HD or lowe's to aquire my hardware for Friday's start ceiling layout build.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2009
  5. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Both units came w/hook couplers just like the standard couplers that came on my LGB rolling stock so I am not changing them to knuckles,The hooks are very dependable for just plain running, The loco came w/constant lighting, The Caboose has lights and markers but needs to upgraded to constant lighting in the future.I have some detail parts to add but that will wait.... OK I got to get back to running my new toys..........

    TO BE CONTINUED.......
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2009
  6. EMD trainman

    EMD trainman TrainBoard Member

    Wow, nice, I'm really glad I could help someone along in the G scale hobby. I made my thread basiclly to help other avoid costly mistakes and let everyone know the G scale is no where near being standardized you have to watch what you buy and plan on what you want. It is cheaper to make your own hanging cieling railroad, but for those who don't I have some websites listed in my thread under END trainmans G scale thread of where to buy premade hanging ceiling units or hanging wall units, you just need to tell them what diameter curves you are using.

    Route 66 I would love to see pictures of the finished product, remember to make some kind of gaurd rail to keep the train from falling if the train decided to derail. That was one mistake I made when I made my home made hanging wall units and the train derailed which cause a 6 ft drop and totally destroyed my locomotive. Also just to let you know that the USA Ultimate series caboose does have constant lighting which is powered by a battery, there is a switch under the caboose for battery power or track power. The caboose you have is a USA American series which is also a nice unit, I have one in Rio Grande. Hook and Loop is the way to go since how you will hardly notice them up on the ceiling anyway and solves alot of compatibility problems.

    Anyway, keep up the great work. I will try to add to my own thread on weekends with more reviews on products, my work schedule was just to busy to keep up daily on my thread.
  7. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member


    When I sent my order in I also ordered Aristocraft #7102 Bridge kit come to find out it has been discontinued, I know I could look High and low and maybe find one but I decided to try making my own although it is not finished I need to make it now so as to incorperate it in my layout. Here is a look at Aristo's and my not exact copy Which needs more bracing and staining
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2009
  8. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    I have aquired most of my material and am working out a few bugs in my design. Like any Engineer the plans are on paper and what is in my mind look like they should work but until you get them to the job site conflicts arise.

  9. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Bridge building completed

    Well here is the finished bridge minus the stain which I intend to start after I finish posting, It is very sturdy no I can't stand on it like LGB track!!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2009
  10. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Last shots of bridge before hanging!!

    OK so I'm sure ya have seen enough of the bridge these are the last shots before hanging....


    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2010
  11. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Plugging along

    I should be hanging the first part of layout tomorow it has been painted and should be dry so as to start installation. I did in between some construction work run some trains around the floor,I got out some more Reefers hard to believe these Reefers were bought 20 years ago and this is the inaugral run. I even cracked open a cold one to watch the beverage cars roll.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2009
  12. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Construction underway

    I used wood for my curves,ventilated white shelving for straights,150 test fishing line
    This is just the first step it takes some time when you do it by yourself creating a stand to hold shelving while you level and drill hangers,now I know why the products that they sell for overhead is only in 2' long increments since that is about what one person can handle at a time.The autos in the photo are all 1/18 scale everything in this room is large and over exagerated. Now it's time to go hang my trestle. Anyhow next update will be when work is complete and trains are running....

    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2010
  13. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    How it's done

    1st picture:Here is how I hold my work in place with my 6' ladder until I get the cables attached.
    2&3 pictures: after trestle is installed
    My ceiling is vaulted so all cables are at different lengths I will add some more if needed as I progress,the track is Aristocraft I left a small gap before tighten the screws and will also use small wire ties at the joint locations as an added saftey feature in case a screw were to work loose which I doubt will happen.




    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2010
  14. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Moving Along slowly but surely

    Well I hung a 6' section today,so it can be done. working in 2' increments would take me probally just as long. A 6' section of venilated shelving is not all that heavy ya just have to work slowly and limit any fast movements just work slow after all working up on a 10' ladder is not that enjoyable anyways.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2009
  15. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    half running some trains

    I decided to take a break and get my lil' LGB mighty might out I put stops at each end of track and ran point to point. The shelving has a slight lip that I put to the outside I will do something to the insde as a safety barrier incase of a derailment.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2010
  16. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    added grabs & brake wheels

    Saturday I just couldn't get into climbing ladders so I installed Grabs and brake wheels details to the reefers. This morning Sunday I got up on the ladder and installed another 8' of track. I'm going to do some fine tuning before I continue and get ready for the final push to get trains running which will be put on hold for another week since my schedule has me working 24/7 on call next week and this track/layout hanging needs my full attention with no interruptions.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2009
  17. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    Final push to get trains running

    This morning Sunday August 10th I decided to rig up and hang my last curve some clamps,a couple ladders and some carefull work I got the piece at the height I could work with(these pictures show my helpers holding the piece before any wires were attached) The wife took one look and high-tailed it to the mall just incase things didn't go right for the Railroad worker!!!!!!!


    TO BE CONTINUED...They Will BE Running TODAY!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2010
  18. Route 66

    Route 66 TrainBoard Member

    IT's MILLER TIME!!!!!

    Trains are running,The Lil' Mighty Might got the 1st duty It's now time to clean up and enjoy them running overhead. It has been just a week shy of a 2 months since I started this project I'm not completely done with this project but I can aleast run them while I comtemplate my next add-ons.
    A fast flying freight passes overhead
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2009
  19. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Yikes. Now there's an awful thought! Sure hope it never happens!


    Boxcab E50
  20. Dave Winter

    Dave Winter TrainBoard Member

    I've been remiss in not thanking you for posting the pictures and story of your "ceiling adventure." That's quite an undertaking and it's turned out real well.

    I've made a few notes as well because the museum where we local modellers hang out is contemplating a similar exercise.



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