She's Home! 4014 arrives in Cheyenne

dstjohn May 8, 2014

  1. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Ha ha, At least some folks are having fun with this event. Good, old fashioned, clean fun.
  2. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Regular Service

    Pulling everything together here:

    Here is the only resource I could find where Ed D., address's the #4014 and #4664. He does not say they were inactive or in storage and taken out. He does the video and you can hear it for yourself. I think he meant to say taken out of regular service. OOP's

    Wouldn't you know it's a video I already submitted here...should I be laughing?:rolleyes::question:

    Then consider this Quote from someone I believe to be a UP employee.

    UPNW2-1083 [HR][/HR]""Neither unit was stored before the Big Boy move. They were both in active service and were suppose to have both been on the move out of the fairgrounds in February but only the 4884 was available as the 4014 was involved in an accident and the drawbar and coupler pocket were being replaced at North Little Rock.-BMT""

    :oops:Excuse me while I grumble in my grey beard: On another note and this is getting real frustrating: I sware Ken it takes me forever to move around this website. There are more stalls, hiccup's, waiting for TrainBoard to respond, recover web page and message is to short............. then on any other website I visit. Just letting you know.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2014
  3. dstjohn

    dstjohn TrainBoard Member

    This weekend (May 17th & 18th) is Cheyenne Depot Days and UP is offering Roundhouse & Steam Shop tours and 4014 is scheduled to be on display. I will try and get more photos and check it out up close & personal. I wonder if I could crawl into the firebox????
  4. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Looking Forward

    Please do, I'd love to see those pictures.
  5. fitz

    fitz TrainBoard Member

    So would I. The 4000s fireboxes are so big you could set up a banquet table in them and have a feast.
  6. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    I happened to trip over this video. Produced by Hell575 (no comment) obviously one of us Southern California types. He has some excellent captures and I couldn't resist sharing it with you.


    Am I the only one having to bump the quality up to 480 pixels to get a clear picture?:uhoh:
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Interesting to see that bozo in that second scene, who walks out and stands in front of the camera. There's real genius for all the world to see. Fans used to be polite, careful about others around them. Today, they don't care about anybody else. Selfish, self-centered,..... :angry:
  8. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Seems to be OK for me. Not needing to make any adjustments here.
  9. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    You thought I was done? Check it out.

    Ken, and of course everyone tuned in here.

    Good to hear the video's are coming through clear. I hope everyone is enjoying them. Perhaps the problem is: My computer is one of those HP 8.0, laptop's or better said note pad. I swear it's the one my son-in-law warned me about before his job was transferred to a Chinese engineer. Pretty sure I wasted my money on it.

    On to old news but still fun to watch. One more video from Southern California. Taken by Austin Goodwin. He not only captures the hospital train and the Big Boy but he catches it negotiating the crossover at Silverwood. Notice, everyone has a (expletive I can't use here) camera. Not just a cell phone but a built in computer with a camera. Now how are you going to get out of the way of all those photographers? Not a chance in....hell....LOL.

    Here it is:

    If I fumble over other's of comparable quality I will bring them here. Unless you don't want me to:uhoh: :).

    Ken, On a different note, it's the edit feature here on TB that causes me the most grief. Not the time out feature but just getting in, making the edit without it freezing up and throwing things like Recover Webpage, Message to Short. On my last edit it played with me the same way. Had to come back and use the Auto Saved (at least it works) stored memory feature to get everything back on. Just advising.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2014
  10. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Gotta be really creative. Somehow find a way to avoid where all the cattle are penned up, awaiting slaughter. :(
  11. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Isn't that the truth.
    Austin Goodwin does both in his video...kind of why I like it.
  12. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    From UP's Website

    The celebration in Cheyenne, Wyoming included the Mayor saying a few words. I thought I might share this before I conclude my search for interesting videos of UP #4014, Big Boy, the move back home.

  13. PaulBeinert

    PaulBeinert TrainBoard Supporter

    This is Great!

    Can someone tell me what the bar with what looks like dog tags is? I saw it at least in the videos and it looked to be hanging out the window of the cab.
  14. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    Ogden and a Thank-you from Ed Dickens

    Here is a shout out from Ed Dickens, a fitting video for this thread.

    I believe the "bar that looks like dog tags" shows up in this video. No explanation from Ed. There is a video out there where a young lady a member of the steam crew explains it's purpose. Sorry I don't know her name and I can't find the video...yet!

    [video=youtube;lYidWDn8jS8] Ioq_wGTVe&index=21[/video]

    Paul and of course everyone tuned in here,

    To answer your question. It's a Blue Flag indicating employees are working on the locomotive. The items dangling from the blue flag indicates the names of the employees. Once the maintenance, lubing, inspections and etc., are completed and everyone is accounted for it is removed and the train can then get underway. Good question and relevant to the railroad safety of every one in and around the locomotive.

    Paul, Here's the video from the Victor Valley News, where the blue flag is explained. Let's compare notes. Check out the markers on the front of the Big Boy. You can have a blue flag as well as blue lights to indicate employees are working on said locomotive.


    I hope that's what you are asking about.:wideeyes:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2014
  15. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Watching the mayor speaking, has me thinking about what I have stated in other topics concerning public relations. By far and away, UP has it nailed. They understand their history and connecting to the masses. The time, effort, money spent on a project like this will be returned in multiples. Meanwhile some other companies do much smaller things, and too many do nothing or even shun the public- Then wonder why people and communities are not receptive, and even at times seemingly hostile toward them. There's a reason for using the word "public" in a relations department. But the (often) "bean counters" running things today simply don't care or understand. Hmmm. Maybe losing opportunity and money is how they make money today? Convoluted.....
  16. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    The final farewll from California.

    How is it I find myself agreeing with Ken? Right on and well put.

    Something I've heard many times goes something like this: A steam locomotive is best complimented when she is back on the tracks. I don't think any of us from California feel that we've lost a locomotive. In this case He, The Big Boy will be back and kicking up his heels. A little TLC, lot's of hard work, a fresh paint job, the fire lit and steam in the boiler he will be ready to return and another generation of youngsters will get to see what so many of us still drool over.

    I've decided I'm having entirely to much fun, finding and posting these video's here. I can only hope those of you who have stopped in shared in the fun. Our visitor numbers are up and I appreciate that. Whether you participated or not I'm glad you were along for the ride.

    For those of you who have forgotten what the chase is all about Snuffy's Cat Productions captures it well. A couple of things he does reminds me of the way I chase and photograph trains...on the run...or should I say used to?

    See if you can find Waldo...uhhh...err...the "Trains" crew. They're in one or several of his captures. No don't look for me I was trying to follow along on the live streaming. Yikes!

    When you get to the end of the video in Yermo, Ca. I don't think you can miss this. He captures a young red headed boy watching the hospital train pull in. Turn the clock back this could of easily been me 55 years ago. It was a moment of pause and recollection for me and I found myself wondering about many "What If's".:uhoh:

    Anyway, thanks for stopping in and I hope you enjoyed these video's and commentary as much as I have.


    I won't say bye, just see you later.:cool:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2014
  17. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    I don't want to take any thunder away from the OP of this thread. But...I will anyway.

    This is where the Big Boy is:


    I'll see you later as in sooner then you and I both thought.:teeth:
  18. PaulBeinert

    PaulBeinert TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks for the explanation and finding a video that also explains it. I had suspected safety ...

    I was in Burbank when 4014 got to Coverton but I had no means of transportation so I missed an opportunity :(
  19. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    You are more then welcome. I have some missed opportunities in my history file so I understand that. I hate it when it happens that way.

    Like others I'm anxious and impatiently waiting to see the Big Boy, back under it's own steam.
  20. fitz

    fitz TrainBoard Member

    Rick, once again I thank you for all the information you gathered and posted here on the 4014's trip from Pomona to Cheyenne. I am a big railfan, especially of steam power, and this is a great effort by UP. By the way their stock split 2:1 this week.
    For Paul, the dogtags are each volunteer or employee's badge hanging on the blue flag. Each one put their tag on it for some reason that would not allow the engine to move. Until every one of the badges are removed by those individuals who placed them, the blue flag will not be lifted. Heck, one of them might by lying across a rail between drivers. Not a good situation for a move. You are right, safety first.

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