Test, test, and test before burning decoders.

jhn_plsn Jan 15, 2024

  1. jhn_plsn

    jhn_plsn TrainBoard Supporter

    So I connected my command station with 5 PSX subdistricts and all the track power showed 12.5 volts with a draw of .11 amps using a RRamp Meter. I was celebrating, until this morning when I thought I better add a load before I add expensive loco decoders. With so much track and bus cabling I was still concerned.

    So I added the 1 amp bulb to the meter to test with load. Well a short showed immediately. Man, I thought I was done with this section. So I had to check for continuity throughout the trackwork and found I have districts feeding into one another. Dang it!

    At least I found out through testing with a load first.
    Hardcoaler and BNSF FAN like this.
  2. jhn_plsn

    jhn_plsn TrainBoard Supporter

    So, the PSX actually share one side of the track feed. So there was no short. I replaced the older version PSX with a newer one ran right off the booster. All seems well now, so far. I could not find any cross wiring, but that does not rule out a turnout issue.

    Fingers crossed I'll be ok.
    BNSF FAN likes this.

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