Trademark Concerns

Chris McDaniel May 3, 2000

  1. Chris McDaniel

    Chris McDaniel TrainBoard Member

    While going through my e-mails I came across a mailing list post that mentioned BNSF has concerns about their trademarks being used on models. Now normally I'd just forget about it, since I don't model BNSF. However, in the Feb/Mar 00 issue of Model Railroading (the MDOT article) there's a mention that Microscale will cease producing "Carolina" truck decals because ABF (the trucking company that acquired Carolina) has prohibited further production of their logos by decal manufacturers. What's up with this? Is this becoming the trend -- tradmark protection? [​IMG]

    I had heard UPS keeps pretty tight control on the use of their logos, which is why we don't see their decal sheets for models. Maybe I'd better get out and buy an Alps printer after all! It may be the only way I can realistically model a modern US scene! Either that or keep modeling the '60s and '70s [​IMG]

    Look Ahead, Look South
  2. Catt

    Catt Permanently dispatched

    Chris,I think BNSF is mostly concerned with the quality of product that their logo appears on.

  3. BC Rail King

    BC Rail King E-Mail Bounces

    CP Rail too is concerned with the quality, buyt still does allow it to be reproduced. There are just certain requirements that have to be seen! Just like if you wanna use my name [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Happy Railroading!

    Dane N.

    TAMR2860-AKA BC Rail King
  4. JohnC

    JohnC TrainBoard Member


    Trucking and Railroad companies are not the only ones that protect logos and trademarks.
    Companies like Polaroid, BellSouth, etc. have books (usually about 300 pages) on how *** not *** to use their logo. They are trying to protect the trademark or logo and that is copyrighted. I found this out when I was working for my family's graphic arts studio.

    If you want to produce decals, etc., perhaps we should contact the company's art or marketing department first. I'm sure they would be more than happy to support the hobby.


    [This message has been edited by JohnC (edited 03 May 2000).]
  5. Chris McDaniel

    Chris McDaniel TrainBoard Member

    Yeah, I could see their need to protect their trademark, just like McDonald's. I was a little surprised to hear a railroad might be doing the same thing with models. However, that turns out not to be the case.

    I have noticed Pepsi must be working with Micro Trains to produce that special run. I'd think a lot of companies would be happy to have their logos on models. If nothing else, it'd be free advertising.

    Boy, it'd be nice to bring back the billboard refers and boxcars for advertising (although I understand the reason the government prohibited it).

    Look Ahead, Look South
  6. mtaylor

    mtaylor Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris McDaniel:
    Yeah, I could see their need to protect their trademark, just like McDonald's. I was a little surprised to hear a railroad might be doing the same thing with models. However, that turns out not to be the case.

    I have noticed Pepsi must be working with Micro Trains to produce that special run. I'd think a lot of companies would be happy to have their logos on models. If nothing else, it'd be free advertising.

    Boy, it'd be nice to bring back the billboard refers and boxcars for advertising (although I understand the reason the government prohibited it).

    Look Ahead, Look South

    What was the reason?
  7. Chris McDaniel

    Chris McDaniel TrainBoard Member

    If memory serves me correctly the billboard refers disappeared because of complaints (to the government) by competitors. Here's an example:
    The Union Refrigerator Transit Company might work a deal to advertise Wilson's Milk on the sides on a few of their refers. Now these cars probably won't be in dedicated service to Wilson's Milk. Now may be on some runs Borden's milk is transported in these same cars since idle cars or moving empty cars doesn't normally make URTC any money. Borden complains because their milk is being shipped in cars plastered with their competitor's advertisement. Also, maybe Borden's can't afford the price of advertising on URTC's refers. Again this is purely an example, not the companies really involved.
    I'm not positive, but I think the modern billboards -- Tropicana, Cargill, Staley, etc. are actually cars either owned/leased by those companies or dedicated strictly to those products. I have not stayed up with modern railroading practices (except some intermodal).
    Anyway, if anyone has any clarifications or corrections please post them. I can always use the education [​IMG]

    Look Ahead, Look South
  8. JohnC

    JohnC TrainBoard Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris McDaniel:
    Yeah, I could see their need to protect their trademark, just like McDonald's. I was a little surprised to hear a railroad might be doing the same thing with models. However, that turns out not to be the case.

    I have noticed Pepsi must be working with Micro Trains to produce that special run. I'd think a lot of companies would be happy to have their logos on models. If nothing else, it'd be free advertising.

    Boy, it'd be nice to bring back the billboard refers and boxcars for advertising (although I understand the reason the government prohibited it).

    Look Ahead, Look South


    Sorry, I didn't respond sooner... working till eight or nine at night is dreadful.

    The companies, again, probably don't care so much about the trademark as they do about the proper presentation of their logo. Lawyers have to make a mess of everything [​IMG]. That's the reason for the big book...

    This is probably why Pepsi is working with Micro Trains to produce their correct logo. They want everything to look right.

    Again, I think that if all of the decal companies asked for permission from the company that they want to produce logos for, the art departments would probably be more then willing to supply the proper artwork.


    [This message has been edited by JohnC (edited 07 May 2000).]
  9. Maxwell Plant

    Maxwell Plant TrainBoard Member

    According to a Poster on the Atlas Forum, BNSF denies ever having a problem with having their trademarks reproduced on decals or models. Hey, it's free advertising! [​IMG]

    RAILROADING-TO-THE-MAX, Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Style!
    Brent Tidaback, Member #234

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