Train show jackpot!

Keith Dec 10, 2018

  1. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    How long is the tunnel? If in a pipe, and ever there was some trouble, could you easily reach inside to retrieve or make repairs?
  2. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Tunnels will be about 3 feet in length.
    Or about as long as 2 coal hoppers.
    Should be able to reach the center, from either end.
    Don't want anything too long. Just long enough to
    provide operational interest. And help break things
    up a bit, when viewed from sidewalk/street.
    No pipe. A 12 inch by 20 foot roll goes for around $150.
    Don't need more than 6 feet!

    And maybe another, along the side, by the AC unit, so
    folks can get past, without accidentally stepping on track!
    That will probably be done with landscape timbers.

    Gotta get things finished first!
    Next, is waiting for weather to make up its mind!!
    Cold, rain, snow all week. No work outside for a while!
    Kurt Moose and BoxcabE50 like this.
  3. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Worked on the Aristo RS3 much of last night! Was having issues with
    getting a new Crest Revolution throttle to link with original receiver in
    locomotive. New receiver linked right away! Also had big issues getting
    the long hood back on. Thought it was the large bundle of wires, from
    the stock electronics board. Turns out, it was actually the speaker that was
    putting unnecessary pressure on original receiver!! Pulled speaker, long hood
    installed perfectly!

    Pulled the unit outside Tuesday, for a test run. Discovered I had lost ALL track
    power for reasons unknown! Retired from power supply, to track, with different
    track connections, and things worked! Was able to run briefly, before going in for
    dinner, back out to check my track, and shortly after that, Curse of Oak Island.

    Gotta figure something out now, as it takes up to 13% power, before the locomotive
    even thinks about moving! Want to pull trucks and do a good, deep clean!
    Toss them into the ultra sonic for a while! Maybe spray out the inside of the motors.
    Or replace trucks with something from USA Trains, if something will fit!

    And picked up another 30 bricks for tunnel project! Had Mom along to help!
    She needed to get out for a bit as it was! Paying for it now, since I’m in a world of hurt!
    But, worth the trouble! Weather was decent.
    Kurt Moose likes this.
  4. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Weather was fantastic up here, too. 71 degrees!

    If the speaker was causing the assembly problems, did you have to remove it, or just adjust it?
  5. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Pulled the speaker out completely.
    Was putting pressure on the receiver.
    Original receiver is actually bowed slightly
    from the excess pressure put on it by the speaker!
    Not sure if that ruined it or not! Couldn’t get it to
    respond the the throttle. Need to find a different speaker.
    One that is hopefully weatherproof! And maybe find a way to adjust volume!
  6. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Aww, comon, you don't want to wake up the neighbors with the sweet song of an Alco 244 prime mover in notch 8 at 3AM?:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    Kurt Moose likes this.
  7. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Wouldn’t bother me! But, when neighbors halfway down the street can hear it.....?
    Might be a bit concerned. My folks might not be to happy either!
    However, if this thing smoked as bad as the real deal........Could keep the bugs away
    in the evening anyway! Could drive the skeeters away!
    Dont think I need to be dealing with the cops either. Might not be able to get
    dialysis as needed!!
    bremner likes this.
  8. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Recieved my order of 8 USA Trains turnouts, 4 right, 4 left.
    Spent much of yesterday, redesigning the back. Improving
    reverse loop operations. Still need to splice in track as
    needed, and get everything connected, and place insulated joiners!

    Then, I can start working on a few of the turnouts in front, that
    are causing me a few issues! Hope to be done and running by July.
    Hoping to have the railroad open to railroad club members July 19/20.

    Anyone close enough, that's interested, is invited to stop by!

    Didn't realize, with my health situation, how bad simple projects
    darn near kill me!! Updated photos of back, when I get a chance.
    Storms slated for the weekend, so I've heard!

    Now, if the bridge rectifiers I ordered, would hurry up, I can get
    my Rio Grande NW-2 calf unit finished! Just gotta tap into power
    wires, to rectifier, then to Airwire board!

    Same with my DRGW Heritage MAC, so I can get lighting to work properly!
    And after I replace most of my headlights!
  9. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Spent last couple of days, rewiring my GP30's. Either replacing what was burned during
    derailment, or adding jumper wires in, to spread power pick up between units. Was having
    issues at a few switches, with locomotives stopping. Think those that stopped, had wiring issues.
    Now, if I run all 4 units, I can plug them together, and spread electrical pickup between all 4 units.
    Spent about 2 hours tonight, playing/experimenting. With all 4 units plugged together, they ran perfect!
    Just gotta make a couple of adapters - Male/Male and Female/Female, so I can run any direction, any spot.
    and not have to worry if plugs don't match!
    Next up, finish track work in back and start replacing switches in front. IF something that seems so simple, doesn't kill me!
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  10. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Got most of the backyard track finished! Just need to
    splice in 1 switch yet, and get at least 3 track clamp
    connections made, for power. Clean track, and I’m ready to experiment!
    If not too bad tomorrow, I may try to finish. Started getting cold
    as I finished up what I managed to get done today! Looking good.
    Hope it works as well as it looks! Minor “S” curve, but the way I’m set, it’s unavoidable.
    But, it’s a 10 foot diameter, so I shouldn’t have too many problems.
    May get photos while waiting for dinner to arrive!
  11. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Photos of progress.

    Looking to the south. Shiny track is new!

    Looking to the north. Switches by block wall are to become an eventual yard, 4 tracks. Later project.

    Yes, switch controls are upside down for now. Trying to keep weather OUT of them, until I can get them mounted.
    Want to try and mount them in weather proof boxes, like I did with reverse loop toggle. Keep them out of the elements, but still visible, dry and easily accessible..
    BoxcabE50 and JimJ like this.
  12. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    A bit of wiring, and a couple of minor issues. But, managed to get my NW-2
    to successfully run around the loop. Couple of minor contact issues, but easily
    fixed next time! Weather coming in this week, so I might not be doing anything!
    A few minor issues, bu t overall, satisfied with results! GP30’s and train next time!
  13. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Looks nice! That S-curve shouldn't be a problem as long as you're not switching over it.
  14. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    First section of curve, right off the retailer, is going to be swapped
    for a switch later, as yard lead, for a small yard to go in later. Train
    may be stopped, to maybe drop off, or pick up cars from yard.
    My narrow gauge stuff could be a problem, but until I can check it
    out, I won’t know! Hoping to possibly acquire a 1/20.3 narrow gauge
    3 truck shay!! Have a friend, who can help with shimming the drivers
    of the K27, once things clear up better, virus wise.
  15. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Got last set of clamps/power connection made.
    Also swapped a set of power connections I did wrong!
    Lights and toggle switch were backward to how originally wired!
    Pulled the GP30’s out and made a test run. Ran pretty good.
    But, have a slight hitch going through switches. Think it’s the
    power pick up sliders catching on frog pint. Gonna pull the sliders
    and try again! Other than lifting and leveling track, things seem to run pretty good!
    HemiAdda2d and Kurt Moose like this.
  16. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    A bit of work today. Spent part of the latre afternoon working in back.
    Got insulated rail joiners replaced with insulated clamps. Still have 1 set
    to do. Need to make slight trim to a curve. Have a 1/4 inch gap otherwise.
    Could probably leave, but could be a source of derailments! Also added a
    fair amount of granite to the track, to at least get it level! As well as the
    switch and switch machine! Still need to get other siding to back aligned
    and spliced in as needed. Next, will be at least 1 switch to the back, that
    pulled apart at the insulated joiners. And one in front, that's causing issues.
    At least when I try to run the GM U25. Keeps derailing in places. Need to
    see if I can put more weight BACK into it! Had to take weight out, when
    sound added. Speaker in fuel tank, where weight was.
    HemiAdda2d and BNSF FAN like this.
  17. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Ran the ALCo with 3 passenger cars tonight, about 3 hours!
    Wanted to try running them through the recently installed USA switches.
    Didn't happen! Locomotive didn't want to run right, and I didn't feel like
    getting my sanding pole out and cleaning the track! Maybe tomorrow.
    Gotta swap wheel in the Aristo Pullman, see if they will run through the
    USA switches. That 1 car does NOT like the Aristo switches. Even with
    Kadee wheels added. Might try adding a little more weight, to help the trucks equalize better.
    Might help, might not. See what tomorrow brings.
  18. Doug Gosha

    Doug Gosha TrainBoard Member

    In spite of the minor operation issues, it's great to see the progress, Keith.

  19. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Any possibility of a wheelset out of gauge?
  20. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    A single wheelset causing the issues, like Ken mentioned, is probably a gauge issue.

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