Wagon fleet privatisation proposed

Mr. RSS Jul 5, 2012

  1. Mr. RSS

    Mr. RSS Administrator

    KAZAKHSTAN: The government is developing plans for the Kaztemirtrans freight business of national railway KTZ to transfer ownership of its wagon fleet to the private sector.Because of a shortage of wagons Kaztemirtrans currently uses foreign-registered vehicles for 20% of its traffic, and as neighbouring countries reform their wagon ownership structure this is affecting Kazakhstan. In an attempt to make up its wagon shortfall KTZ acquired 7059 new vehicles in 2011, of which 41 were produced domestically. A further 15000 will be required this year. A meeting was held to discuss the privatisation proposals with KTZ customers on June 18. KTZ, Russian Railways and Belarus Railways have agreed to combine resources from various subsidiaries including RZD’s stake in TransContainer to establish an equally-owned joint venture providing international container transport services. The aim is to capture a 2% share of container flows between Europe and Asia by 2020, according to RZD President Vladimir Yakunin.


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