PROTOTYPE Weekend PROTO FUN! 3/27/2015

YoHo Mar 27, 2015

  1. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks, Curtis. Now I know what to look for in my files. According to my notes, I may have NYC and PC train orders from there. Cool!
  2. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    The track diagram accompanying the Railfan and Railroad article on this section of track is pretty clear that it is United Junction Railroad territory nee SP&S nee BN.
    That tunnel portal is at the summit of Cornelius Pass. The nearest SP trackage rights track is miles away by TV Highway at St. Mary's.
    I wonder if the sign post was relocated by PNWR? that would make sense.

    Incidentally, that article includes a number of pictures of BN era movement on the line including pre-TriMet MAX Bowers Junction movement. Apparently, Albany to Pasco was pretty big train back then. Now, that traffic moves on UP to Vancouver since the Bowers Junction track was pulled up.

    However, the article is quite old, clearly it had been sitting for a number of years. with the exception of a single photo and brief mention, related to the recent wye installed at Banks, the newest images are from 2011 and most are from 2006-2007.
    A lot of the current planning on that line is missed. Since that Wye is expected to cause PNWR to divert that Albany train destined to Pasco back onto their own tracks up to Lake yard.

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