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Dragonslayer59 Jan 31, 2024

  1. Dragonslayer59

    Dragonslayer59 TrainBoard Member

    Hello, all my fellow modelers,
    I thought I'd use this platform to document the progress as I build my "Forever" layout and go through some of the things I've learned over the last couple of years as this is going to be my 3rd layout. The first layout was a basic 4x8 sheet of 3/4" plywood oval track plan and nothing spectacular. Enjoyed watching the trains as we all do. The second layout was a bit more and measured 12 x8 L shaped. I based it on a Marklin layout that caught my eye and thought 'I can build that" and I did pretty good with elevation changes a helix of 3 turns and some switching areas. during this phase I went from DC to DCC opting for the Digitrax system as I thought it was the most user friendly for a Newbie like me at that time.
    At first in the track planning phase I found SCARM and for the most part it worked well for the 2nd Layout. As my skillset grew and I became more knowledgeable I wanted more from my software. I did give AutoCAD a go as I do use it for work from time to time and it worked out pretty well also but lacks the actual geometry for track, yes, I could have drawn it but...... I did however use Cad for designing the new benchwork and cut lists need.
    SO, this brings me to the newest layout, the forever layout. After the run with SCARM, I went looking for something better as we all do at times, and found AnyRail, which I found to be very easy to use and bought it.
    I measured the new train room and began designing the benchwork loosely based on what I wanted to have and see. Below is the benchwork that was drawn in AutoCAD as I find it faster and easier for me to use for this portion of the build. The benchwork for the lower level will be at 30" from the floor as it will also be used for storage of train related materials.
    The benchwork was constructed by ripping 3/4" cabinet grade plywood into 4" wide strips 8' long and then cutting them to sizes need for the various sections. All the joints are screwed and glued and secured with 2 1/4" drywall screws countersunk. Alot of time and effort was taken during this phase to ensure a rock-solid base in which to build upon. IMG_6385.jpg
    I had/have a basic track plan for the lower level which somewhat drove the benchwork design but as we all know during this phase, we tend to change things mid-stream or alter what we actually want to see.
    As you can see the lower level was to be the staging area with a chance for some light switching. In the design phase since I have some 6 axel and steam loco's I knew I needed some larger radii in the curve areas, so keeping this in mind the curves were drawn at min 26" and max of 30". this should allow all of the longer rolling stock and the passenger cars to easily navigate the layout. With all of this planned the track spacing is set at 2.5" allowing for the longest cars to pass in the curves.

    New upstaris layout_ lower track plan_Nov 2023.jpg
    So begins the fun of actually building and installing of the benchwork. But first the room had to be prepped and the old dingy carpet removed. Then some new vinyl planking was laid, and trim work completed around the room. Benchwork was installed and legs added for stability. I paid close attention to making sure that each section of the framing was level in all directions and then secured it to the house framing with 3" screws, two per stud, and did the same around the perimeter of the room. As you can see in the photo below the lighting in this room is well not good. The plan is once the benchwork is completed for the lower level I will be installing 6 recessed can lights around the perimeter of the room which should help in a big way. IMG_6395.jpg

    More to come in a few days as I'm getting ready to leave Australia and trave back home from the job I just completed.
  2. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    Sweet!:) That's going to be a nice one.(y)
  3. Dragonslayer59

    Dragonslayer59 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Mike
    BNSF FAN and Mike VE2TRV like this.
  4. Dragonslayer59

    Dragonslayer59 TrainBoard Member

    Hello fellow modelers,
    Well I'm back home from the Land Down Under and while I was gone from home I had some thoughts on how to make my new layout better if you will. I've pretty much redesigned the lower level, and also started working on the upper level. I'd like your thoughts on what's presented here. I did make one change to the plan and the peninsula will only be on the upper level as I was thinking I need someplace to build models and programming, so this will take place under there. As most of you know I have made the final choice on track and I will be using Peco code 83. These recent versions I am using Walthers /Shinohara switches for all the turnouts and such. What's your thought s on those.

    Attached Files:

    BoxcabE50, Mike VE2TRV and BNSF FAN like this.
  5. Dragonslayer59

    Dragonslayer59 TrainBoard Member

    Hello all it's been a while since I posted last as I have been very busy with work and having to fly all over this big blue ball of ours. Well as we all know track plans change right in the middle of actually laying track on our bench work, well it has happened to me also. I had a plan but for whatever reason it just didn't look right, so changes were made along the way. I'm posting some of the recent photos of the progress I've made over the last month as I was able to be home for a change and for longer than a week, whoo-hoo for me. made some great progress and to a point that now I need to build the two track helix and get to framing the second level here soon, but first I've got to get off this vessel fifty miles offshore of Mozambique and get back state side so I can at least start before it's off to Australia for about three weeks. Enjoy the photos and leave me some comments good our bad. IMG_6767.JPG IMG_6772.JPG IMG_6777.JPG IMG_6767.JPG IMG_6772.JPG IMG_6777.JPG IMG_6773.JPG
  6. Tower24

    Tower24 TrainBoard Member

    Stunned, thank you! That's amazing progress for a Farstrider :)(y) Very well done!
    BNSF FAN and Mike VE2TRV like this.
  7. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    Taking shape quite nicely!(y)

    Model railroads are as much fun to build as to operate when done.

    There's nothing like the feeling of satisfaction when building something with one's own hands. Enjoy every moment! :)
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  8. Dragonslayer59

    Dragonslayer59 TrainBoard Member

    Thank you! I do appreciate the feedback as it make me a better modeler.
    Mike VE2TRV and BNSF FAN like this.
  9. Dragonslayer59

    Dragonslayer59 TrainBoard Member

    Thank you Mike !
    Mike VE2TRV and BNSF FAN like this.

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