Wolfcreek Status Update

DragonFyreGT Sep 29, 2010

  1. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    Many people have wondered why I haven't posted as much of recent. I blamed it on things like Halo Reach launch for xbox 360, and for Final Fantasy XIV MMORPG for PC. But that wasn't exactly the full reason. I have posted an explanation for everyone on my trainboard blog, discussing why I've been MIA, and why my Layout is on indefinate suspension over here: Wolfcreek Status, MIA, A Death in the Family - TrainBoard.com

    It was....very hard to type and post this, and I hope everyone does read it, because I am so sorry for what feels like turning my back on this site, and my fellow g-scalers.

    EDIT: Power upgrade plans are going to go through for the layout. This much I will do. Bridgewerks power supply, Aristocraft TE Revolution, and 200 amps into the house.

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