SCOOTER7767 Mar 26, 2003

  1. SCOOTER7767

    SCOOTER7767 E-Mail Bounces

    I have been at this for about two months now and nothing seems to look right. I think I have a working layout area but when I go to add track and industry it just does not look right. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have gone to see other layouts and I have some ideas but everything I do does not seem right. I am getting ready to read the book on prototypical railraods and making a layout look like one. I hope that helps.
  2. Hoss

    Hoss TrainBoard Member

    First of all....welcome aboard. :D

    Second, is there any way you can post a picture of your track plan? This would greatly assist the folks around here in help you out.
  3. SCOOTER7767

    SCOOTER7767 E-Mail Bounces

    Well, I am not sure exactly how to attach a copy of my layout. Any ideas I would appreciate it.
  4. rsn48

    rsn48 TrainBoard Member

    We need details of your layout first off. Its difficult to give advise on something abstract. Maybe you're trying to model the UP on a 4 by 8 and it can't be done - I'm making this overstatement up to make a point.

    Many draw up plans and spend a great deal of time pouring over them and re-fining them. This isn't the avenue I have chosen.

    Instead the first thing I did was chose my benchwork shape and mainline shape sort of in unison. So I have kind of a U shaped layout that is double decked, with reversing loops on each deck with a single track mainline. I didn't go any further than that.

    Then I built the benchwork and added the backdrop so I could co-ordinate my track plan with the backdrop. Then starting in one area, I'm just laying track now. I've started in one reversing loop location and will work my way around the layout - sort of in sections - until it is completed.

    So I searched for plans that would suit my reversing loop area and reflect what I was after - a port scene in an urban location. I found one by Jim Kelley in the October 1988 issue of MR. It wasn't suitable to my location, but with modifications it was; also it is an HO plan and I am in N. So I am now installing my modified plan, then on to the next location. I am searching now for plans that will help my final design for that area that will co-ordinate with the first design. I then keep this activity up around the layout.

    Of course, I have a rough idea of what I want throughout the entire layout, but it is really rough.

    So in my third location, for example, I am debating whether to have a classification yard, or something simpler but with a large industry requiring lots of switching. Because I am starting on section one now, I've got time to debate that issue with myself internally and ask for feedback in forums about classification yards and whether they are space eaters or useful to the layout.

    In the rough, my layout is being built around 7 areas or sections (but not sectional construction). So I won't have my final track plan done, until I am basically finished the layout.

    You don't have to do this method, but the advantage to it is that once you get some track in and see what you can accomplish in the space you have, you will find it will modify any plans you have already drawn up but haven't installed. It also allows you to get more experience as you go along; and a chance to change your mind.
  5. SCOOTER7767

    SCOOTER7767 E-Mail Bounces

    rsn48, I have the basic shape of my benchwork laid out. A couple of friends helped me with it. I would post it here if I knew how to but all attempts at it has seemed to fail. My basic shape is an e-shape. I wish I could post it because I wuld show everyone what I have come up with so far. I am still taking any suggestions as how to post it here.
  6. Ironhorseman

    Ironhorseman April, 2018 Staff Member In Memoriam

    Scooter .. First of all .. allow me to welcome you to Trainboard. We are delighted that you have joined this growing family of railroad enthusiasts [​IMG] [​IMG]

    To post photos on Trainboard, you have to open an "account" in Rail Images .. It's free and the information you post there is confidential too. [​IMG] See the big orange ball located at the upper right corner of the screen with Rail Images' logo? Just click on it and fill in a couple of blanks and wallaa .. you are now ready to post photographs. If you have any problems doing so, do not hesitate to contact me, or Colonel. We will be happy to help. :D
  7. watash

    watash Passed away March 7, 2010 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Welcome to our family here on the TrainBoard Scooter! Glad to have another HOer stop by to play with us!
    If you have a track plan or bench photo you can email to me I can post it for you, but it must be under 100KB in size. That is the limit on Railimages, see? I can not re-size it though.
  8. SCOOTER7767

    SCOOTER7767 E-Mail Bounces

    Hi, everyone. Please be patient with me. I went to get my account through rail image. It says it could take up to 48 hours. Does anyone know if I can upload jpegs of my benchwork layout? I did it in autocad and from there I can make a jpeg through Acrobat.
  9. Hoss

    Hoss TrainBoard Member

    Yes, you can. As long as they're less than 100 Kb in size.
  10. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome to Trainboard scooter, as the administrator of railimages I can assure you your account will be opened in approx 8 hours from now as I am currently at work and can't open accounts until I arrive home.

    As previously said as long as the file is less than 100kb in size the file can be uploaded.

    Once again welcome to Trainboard and I look forward to seeing your layout design.
  11. SCOOTER7767

    SCOOTER7767 E-Mail Bounces


    Thanks for letting me know. I am anxious to get some feed back on how track work can be laid on the benchwork drawn up to fit my basement.
  12. SCOOTER7767

    SCOOTER7767 E-Mail Bounces

    Here is the start of my layout. It is mostly benchwork but there is some trackage in place.


    Time period is mostly diesel but I may want put on a stream loco every once in a while for looks but operation is diesel.

    I have been trying to think of a way to make this a multi deck to have in some tunnels.

    My main goal is a switching layout for multiple operators.

    nothing is in concrete yet and the benchwork has not been built yet. I am waiting to make sure I have all my eggs in the basket first.

  13. SCOOTER7767

    SCOOTER7767 E-Mail Bounces

    I did not realize it was going to be this big. for the most part, the circled numbers are where possible businesses are going. No business is in stone either. All imaginary right now.
  14. yankinoz

    yankinoz TrainBoard Member

    Scooter - you can make itsmaller by cropping off the extra white space. If you need help with this - email me off line.

    As for the industry area on the right - I think the siding don't look 'right' to you because the turnouts aren't drawn to scale - but that's not a serious issue.

    There is, however a serious issue - imagine a train heading out on that branch from the yard. The engine is in the front and the caboose (if used) is in the back) Now, when you pull into town, you have no way of getting your locomotive around the cars in order to switch the industry.

    If you have the John Armstrong book on designing for realistic operation, be sure to sit down and read it cover to cover. There are several great yard designs that, basically, I recommend copying excatly.

    If you have the new Tony Keoster book on operations - read chapter 2 - he talks about facing points, trailing points and run arounds.

    As for the E shape benchwork - that's a solid design and I would recommend sticking with it. The peninsula will suit an industrial area well.
  15. jkristia

    jkristia TrainBoard Member

    A few other issues I noticed.

    It seems like you have no way of getting into the yard from the mainline. The only way is if you are running clock wise, then you can get to the end of the track on the peninsula, where you would have to move the locomotive to the other end of the train and then pull it in to the yard.
    You should make sure that you can access the yard from the main line in both directions. It seems like you only have 2 tracks for the yard and 5 tracks for the machine shop. I would probably change it a bit, so I had 5 tracks for the yard and 2 for the machine shop.
    And as Rob mentioned, a run-around at the end of the branch line would be a good thing too.

  16. jkristia

    jkristia TrainBoard Member

    >>where you would have to move the locomotive to the other end of the train and then pull it in to the yard.
    I just noticed that you can never get it into the yard (or out of there for that matter). Try and imagine you have a train with a string of cars leaving the yard (5th track from the bottom, including mainline). You can pull it into the engine terminal, or you can pull it to the end of the branch line, but you can never get it on o the main line.
    So remember, you should be able to access the yard from the main line from both directions. Hope this helps a little.

  17. SCOOTER7767

    SCOOTER7767 E-Mail Bounces

    Sorry everyone, that jpeg file is so huge. Last night I went through and took out all my track. I have basically started from scratch. I guess this is what they call trial and error. I was wondering, where can I information on what buildings, etc. is in a yard? I know you need an engine house well atleast track leading to an engine house not really located in the yard but what are some other facilities besides a machine shop? This layout planning is not easy especially when you do not know what your doing. Everyone I ask for advice in person has me come and look at their layout showing how they set up their plans but I still do not know how they got to the point they did. I saw industries that people did that Walthers does not have and when I ask about footprints they give me what about them. One guy did not even use footprints. Shut I am not sure what indusrties I even want or have room for. I am so lost!!!! [​IMG]
  18. ak-milw

    ak-milw TrainBoard Member

    Hey Scooter, don't worry about it, Just sit down, take a deep breath and start over. This is suppose to be fun! if you drive yourself crazy it isn't worth it. I would say to take some time, check out all the books and magazines you can find. Even try a library, they usually have a lot of books on the subject and you won't have to buy them!! [​IMG]
  19. jkristia

    jkristia TrainBoard Member

    Don’t worry you will get there.
    I have been working on my layout for only 2 years now, and I have had several track plans, all of which I didn’t follow [​IMG] . I know that most books recommend you to make a detailed track plan before you start the layout, and I tried that, only to realize that what looked good (to me) on paper, looked wrong, or didn’t look as expected, in real life, so I have been changing track plan as I went along. My room is a 15x11 room, I have a track plan here (which is not up to date, so what you see on the plan and on the layout is different)
    My first plan had a peninsula on the 15-foot side, but when I outlined the layout in the room, I realized that it wasn’t going to work, so I change the plan again. Then I changed it to a 2 level along the wall, but my mistake was to keep upper level same width as lower level, so to see anything on the lower level you would have to bend down, so I skipped that plan after a year, and then I finally ended up with what I have today.
    If you look at my plan, then you will see an empty area on the peninsula. That area was first planned for a sawmill, then I changed my mind and wanted a coalmine there instead, and then after I had the track down, I changed my mind again, so today I have planned a smaller town instead, but lets see, it can still change before I’m done.

    What I’m trying to say is, don’t give up and don’t get frustrated. If you have an overall idea, then go ahead and put down the mainline. Yes you will have to rip up some of the track later to install sidings for industries etc, but it’s really not a lot of extra work, and I think the best way to learn is to try it and don’t be afraid of doing so. My plan isn’t perfect, I know that, but at least I’m having a good time working on it, and I know that this is not going to be the perfect layout, but hey, I’m learning, and “The perfect layout is the next layout” (I have seen that quote in a signature, but can’t remember who)

    Have fun
  20. SCOOTER7767

    SCOOTER7767 E-Mail Bounces

    Thanks guys for all the confidence. I am not really frustrated to much. I just do not know how to put on pare what I want. The peninsula was going to be a yard at one point with a turn table. I happen to like turn tables and steam but plastic diesels are still cheaper than steam so when I was financially challenged I could only afford Athearn switchers and a couple of EMD Demonstrators. I am still plugging away at it. Keep the ideas coming. I am hoping that the end of this week I will have on paper what I am looking for.


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