Atlas N Scale ALCO C-630 with Briggs Models Dofasco truck kit and Northwest Shortline replacement wheel sets for Code 40 operation. A first step...
Kaslo Shops N Scale Combination Door Boxcar completed as PGE 5387 - not weathered or dull-coated yet
Kaslo Shops N Scale Combination Door Boxcar completed as PGE 5297 - not weathered or dull-coated yet
Kaslo Shops N Scale Combination Door Boxcar completed as PGER 40324 - not weathered or dull-coated yet
Kaslo Shops N Scale Combination Door Boxcar completed as PGER 40175 - not weathered or dull-coated yet
Caboose A-5 Circa 1964 in 1:160th. A caboose I started about eight months ago. Still trying to find out the best way to do the CN style steps and...
The first section of track for the layout has been laid on the first turn of the helix.
N Scale model of Procor tank car - MDC tank car with Gold Medal Models detail kit, Precision Scale brake parts, Micro-Trains trucks and Fox Valley...
This is the plywood enclosure which will house the helix for my layout. It was brought into the layout room for a test fit before continuing any...
Photo taken under trial arrangement of 3500K LED strip lighting with no other light source in room. Camera flash disabled, picture reduced in...
Testing the track with freight cars