I'm currently building my N Scale benchwork using two HCDs. HCD's are new to me, as I've previously built traditional open frame tables. How do...
[ATTACH] Starting my own build thread on construction of a HCD lout featuring the town of Acme. I really want get to work on my Acme Lumber Co but...
A version offering a longer siding that might be used for two short train to meet or pass. But this version gives up some yard length. Reversing...
This very rough sketch fits a lot of switching into a small area, sacrificing minimum radius and all but the shortest 2-train operation. One my...
Hello all! I'm attempting to get a running layout built for the first time in about 30 years - I have N scale rolling stock and have settled on a...
This is my first take at a conversion of a guy user from TrainPlayer named Bill's (Paulton?) passenger folly. [IMG] I converted it to Kato...
lsid out some roads and sidewalks
track and cell tower
01.05.12 hanging the door
A Hollow-Core Door N scale layout for a fellow SD&AE modeler
This N scale layout fits on a typical hollow core door and is fully described in my article in Model Railroad Planning 2010 magazine. Photos of...
Layout idea 02
Layout idea 01