How Many Like Or Don't Like The New Trainboard?

BarstowRick Jul 4, 2015

  1. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Nice one, Bob! :)
  2. Pete Nolan

    Pete Nolan March 17, 2024 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    Doesn't matter if I like or do not.

    In previous transitions, I've lost a boatload of text, valid file identifiers ("DSC_067PortRoundhouse.jpg" became "aah.jpg")--just a whole lot of effort gone. At one time, my Railimages albums had extensive captions for almost every image--all were lost in a previous upgrade. This time I saved some of it, but don't know if I'll bother to upload it again. This time my blog is backed up but, if it isn't restorable, I doubt I'll bother uploading 85 or more images, and then 85 separate posts to go with them.

    I don't fault TB for any of this, as it's happened all over the net, even with huge photo uploading sites. It is just a reality of the WWW as an increasingly commercial venture. Large providers see that they are not making money, and just shut down sites overnight. What are they abandoning? A disk farm worth a few tens of thousands, at best; usually nothing.
  3. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    The new board doesn't seem to work well for me. Glad "they" (whoever they are) fixed the "media" tags back to "Railimages". However, the photo's I uploaded since the new format arrived only come up as thumbnails. That's weird. I click on them and a little thumbnail size pict' is all that fills my screen. Didn't like the account upgrades as far as notifications, etc.

    The good news is I've been able to "fix" by manipulation most issues except the "thumbnail" size pictures that I uploaded as full size. I am sure much work went into this upgrade and it will all prove worth it. I am just not sure the reason for the upgrade. The old yarn "If it 'ain't' broke, don't fix it" holds true. Nonetheless, this remains the best forum, internet support site for model railroading I've seen. I will continue my donations and glad to do so.
  4. JimJ

    JimJ Staff Member

    I like it. It's like moving to a new house and finding your way around and getting used to it. Like the Simon and Garfunkle song says, "Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home".
    FriscoCharlie likes this.
  5. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

    Blindfolded, tripping on all the furniture and walls....
    FriscoCharlie likes this.
  6. FriscoCharlie

    FriscoCharlie Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I am the "they."

    Trust me, this will, in the long term, be much better. It WAS broke. Your post is prompting me to explain in a way that I planned to but had not done so to this point: The *old* TrainBoard was a combination of two different pieces of software. It evolved into what it was based on our needs. For a long time things were good. Then, we started to have problems. The software packages were not updated as necessary to suit out needs. Not only did things not work right from a technical standpoint, but, we were being infected with malicious code that we just could not get rid of. At one point, I paid a trusted company a couple of hundred dollars to get rid of a bug, only to have it come back. That was not the fault of that company, but due to a hole in the software.

    I spent many hours looking at alternatives and I firmly believe that this technical change will suit us over the long haul for several different reasons (which I will not go into here).

    There are going to be some problems and things not working right. We will make every attempt to fix them and get things working right. You just need to articulate what they are and let us try to get them working.

    This is not a new car that you drive of the lot. This is one that is built in the back room that is full of bugs, but once we get working right, will be great.

    We are not making changes for fun. I have spent about 60 hours on this in the last seven days, and for me, that is hard to do right now.

    Stay with us, we will make this better than ever. It will happen in stages.

    Mike VE2TRV and r_i_straw like this.
  7. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    I'm 100% behind you, Charlie. I'm not just an electronics engineer, but also a computer programmer. I did the research on the old board software, and on the new one, and the new one is a much better deal. I contains major improvements over the old board software and Trainboard can't do otherwise than do better by switching.

    Let's say it's like going from an old Admiral 23 inch B&W television set with VHF channels 2-13 only to a 60 inch :LCD set with all the bells and whistles. Sure, it will take time to master the thing, but the old Charlie's Angels reruns look way better in color.:D
    FriscoCharlie likes this.
  8. FriscoCharlie

    FriscoCharlie Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    QSL VE2TRV, de W0AQ.
    Mike VE2TRV likes this.
  9. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

    What's a 60-inch:LCD set? My TV is a 19" Admiral black and white with rotating channel knob. Works fine.
  10. FriscoCharlie

    FriscoCharlie Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    From where does it receive a signal?
  11. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

    From my converter box?
  12. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

    And...I hooked ya.
  13. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

    I think I got rid of the last B&W about two years ago. Worked fine (on a box), but we had enough CRT colour sets by then.
    I have one colour CRT set...broke the antenna fitting on the back..opened it up to fix it...and wondered what that big box in the bottom I looked for the super-secret release button..and it's a built-in VCR.
    So, I have what, three VCR players (all VHS), an 8-track, two TEAC reel-to-reels, turntable, pile of cassette decks (including one in the dash of the Jag), a vacuum tube RCA upright, another vacuum tube desktop radio upstairs (had bad filter caps..fixed that), three XP boxes, two flahead Fords in the driveway.
    Oh, and a Western Electric Type 300 dial set. Seriously.
    And not one piece of dcc on the property. Imagine that!
  14. Greg Elmassian

    Greg Elmassian TrainBoard Member

    I think the new software will eventually bend to the will of the owner. After the major stuff is over, please address the colors, it looks like a LGBTQ convention was in charge. No offense to them, I just don't like rainbow colors on forums.

  15. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    It was broken beyond any further repairs. Especially the security hole, which proved impossible to eliminate.
  16. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

    Ah. But mine is basically black and white. Now I have to figure out how to kill those alert balloons......
  17. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    At upper right, there is a drop down menu from your User Name. Look at "Alert Preferences".
  18. RBrodzinsky

    RBrodzinsky November 18, 2022 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    I just have to say that after playing with the new board this past week, I am really starting to get the hang of it, and liking the features. Some of the features are silly (points, trophies) but others are vast improvements. Maybe some of us can help with some How To posts for using the new board (maybe a special section) - Charlie, maybe if we start collecting a list of the items that just need explanations, versus configure changes, I know I would be willing to draft some. Can leave more time for the admins to work on those configuration tweaks and additional features.
  19. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

    Okay, unchecked them all. Like FBP to kill off FacePlant's stuff.
    But that's not the issue. On the main page, if you hover or pass a forum, like "support", you get this big alert balloon pops up...I think it's on all forums.
    I'll figure it out.
    I know what this all's an attempt by the software writers to snag youngsters whose whole life is faceplant and twatter and whatever else.
    It's okay....I just need to find some more workarounds.
  20. flexeril

    flexeril TrainBoard Member

    Too soon for me to figure it out. I like looking at pictures but I'll have to do that for better detail on my iMac 27 inch as I think my iPhone 6+ is not big enough to for that!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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