Introduce Your Model Railroad With One Post!

keystonecrossings Apr 2, 2013

  1. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    I have been operating my cars and locomotives on the club layout the past couple of years, I am planning my own layout to test run my locomotives and cars so they operate properly at the club before I get there along with the modeling opportunities my own layout will offer. I got this plan when MR had the plan section open on their website. It will be transplanted from the plains to the appalachians with PRR as the primary railroad.


    Rick J
  2. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter


    Don't tempt but you never know what the future brings
  3. Dave Jones

    Dave Jones TrainBoard Supporter

    I'm also between layouts still have yet to see what's available for the "baseboard." Doubt that I'll be able to find 2" rigid insulation in this area (altho' right now it's 54 f with a steady rain falling, brrrr.) so may have to rely on hollow core doors. Still not fully recovered from a 10 month siege of problems including some fairly serious medical.

    While I was very satisfied with my preceding layout some of my trackwork and electrical work was not at all satisfying! Also the new one will not be as deep as the preceding layout. Believe 24" instead of the previous 30" will do, especially given its' height. Hopefully I can retain most of the track layout and operational possibilities, sure intend to try.
  4. keystonecrossings

    keystonecrossings TrainBoard Member

    Rick J,

    Anyone who makes PRR their primary is good in my book! Actually, the track plan has real possibilities for Pennsy. Swap out some of the industries and it could definitely work for one of the many dual-track main lines.
  5. gregamer

    gregamer TrainBoard Supporter

    I'm building a 13'x10' around the walls industrial switching shelf layout called The Industrial Lead.

    The layout is based on a prototype that I work almost every day at Stacy Yard in Seattle. There are two industries, a petroleum products distributor and a corn syrup transfer facility. The layout will have spots for 20 cars and will have very little compression.

    The benchwork and lighting are complete. Right now I am trying to build turnouts to Proto:87 standards using jigs and components from


    Greg Amer
    The Industrial Lead
  6. Brian K

    Brian K TrainBoard Member

    This is my current layout that I built to pass the time while stationed in Germany. I won't go past the track and structure phase for scenary because I'll be moving again in 16 months. What isn't shown is the 8' yard that is against the far wall and extends to the right. It's functional for a switching layout and generates enough traffic to keep my kids busy. I build it at 55" above the floor so the duck under where the grain facility is located isn't that bad.

    Track is all Peco Code 83 and I'm using the NCE Power Pro for DCC power. About 50% of my loco fleet has sound installed so I typically run a sound and non-sound engine in the same consist. Neighbors must love me... :)

    Overall shot:


    UPS Freight Terminal. Don't know if they ever had rail service like this, but they do on my RR... at least for now.


    The engine terminal.


  7. Josta

    Josta TrainBoard Supporter

    This is my HO scale, 3-cab DC "Gulf & Pacific Railroad", 22' x 27' L-shaped, modeled to represent the mid-60's....20 years (off and on) in the making.









  8. mikelhh

    mikelhh TrainBoard Member

    wow John [Josta] I had no idea your layout was that extensive. Very impressive. And I always enjoy your night scenes.
  9. Josta

    Josta TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks, Mike! I, too, love taking photos at "nighttime" like these:



    Oops...supposed to be a "one-post" thread! My bad....

  10. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter


    Post as many times as you desire. I don't know how anyone could tire of seeing pictures of your layout.

    Looking good.
  11. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    The G&OM is a “private road” HO-scale model railroad layout. Set in the
    mountains of West Virginia, the railroad depicts what the original
    Little Kanawha River Railroad might have looked like had it survived
    into the mid 20th Century.

    The Little Kanawha Subdivision of the Gulf & Ohio Midland Railway
    is an east-to-west line between Ravenswood, WV and Gassaway, WV. This
    line is not exactly a bridge route between the B&O Ohio River Sub
    and the B&O Elk River Sub, but the G&OM does interchange with
    the B&O at both ends. The G&OM bought the right of way from
    Elizabeth, in Wirt County, East to Gassaway from the B&O, but could
    not gain access to the property through Parkersburg on trackage rights,
    so the G&OM had to build.

    Construction began in 1934 and the line was finished by 1936. The
    line was laid with recycled 85 lb rail and was relaid with 100AS and
    110RE rail after WWII. By the 1960′s, traffic on the Little Kanawha Sub
    was drying up. Logging had all but disappeared from the valley, carbon
    black plants had all but disappeared and coal mines were closing for
    good. The future of the line was bleak; traffic was decreasing, and
    years of deferred maintenance was catching up with management. Would the
    line survive?


  12. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    That looks great would love to see more images
  13. GP30

    GP30 TrainBoard Member

    I hand painted my back drop, there are structures and more scenery in front of the back drop now, but this is what I accomplished back in October.
  14. friscobob

    friscobob Staff Member

    As I mentioned elsewhere in this forum, I am modeling the Frisco's south end of the Arthur Subdivision in Paris, Texas. With 3 other railroads that interchanged with Frisco in the 70s, plus the amount of business that kept the Frisco busy, I have plenty to choose from. However, due to space considerations (6 by 11 1/2 feet), I am concentrating on just the north end of Paris, and the small yard at Betner, adjacent to the massive Campbell Soup plant. I'm also including several other customers such as EarthGrains and Flex-o-Lite on a separate spur, such as existed in Paris at that time. The main ATSF/SLSF yard plus the north end at Hugo, OK (junction of the Arthur and Ardmore & Arkinda Subs, and all part of the Central Division) are represented by a single staging area- so far, just 2 tracks, but I already see I may need a third.

    Main line is in, as is most of the Betner yard and EarthGrains-Flex-o-Lite spur, so all I have to do is continue to drop feeders to the bus wires below the benchwork, and I can run (using DCC).

    DOwn the rad, I hope to build a larger layout, including the ATSF/SLSF joint yard as well as interchange with MP and SP, plus Tower 79 (where the ATSF and MP and SP crossed), a representation of the Red River Bridge at Arthur City, and an enlarged staging area for Hugo proper. But, that's 5 years down the road, so until then I'll get my modeling jones satisfied with my smaller layout.

    BTW- I've enjoyed looking at all the pics, as well as track plans (Paul's looks like it would be fun to switch once it's built- I'm into local ops myself).
  15. otiscnj

    otiscnj New Member

    Hi! I'm sort of new to this forum. I'm currently in the process of constructing 'The Philadelphia & Scranton; A Branch of the North East Corridor.' The concept is that about the time of the Korean War, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania paid or underwrote the costs of electrifying a route from Philly to Scranton, using mostly exisiting rail routes. The purpose was to try and extend the life of the anthracite coal mining business, and general economic development. The route chosen to electrify was the Reading Mainline north towards Reading and Pottsville, then onward to Tamaqua, Hazleton, Wilkes-Barre, and into Scranton. Portions of the parallel PRR were also electrified, to gain operational flexibility.

    The model of this route I'm building is in HO scale, and takes up about 26'x 28-34'. I'm modeling the period from about 1974-2000 or so, at present. By that point, most of the coal has been mined, and the route is mostly passenger and bridge traffic, although there is still some coal originating on the line and its branches.

    Motive power will be a mix of things. PRR or PC will run GG-1s. Reading will have some GE units similar to the NH's EF3-EP4's from the 30's and 40's, plus what I call a CC-1, or a Tyco GG-1 shell on Athearn Trainmaster chasis, painted like RDG F units and early road switchers. Also plan to have a bunch of E33's, E60's, AEM-7's, to name a few.

    Haven't decided whether to fake the catenary yet, for ease of maintainance, or try and actually build some. Faking it would involve putting up the supporting standards, and such, but not having the actual wires present.

    I've been working on the trackplan for about 2 years, and came up with a buildable one in the last couple of months. I've been mocking things up full scale as I've been working on the trackplan, to see if they will work in actuality. Right now, I need to do some upgrades to the room, in terms of electrical and other things, before I get serious about the build. I'm using IKEA IVAR shelving units for a portion of the layout, to facilitate decent storage underneath.

    The plan is 5 years for planning, 5 years for building, and 5 years to operate it-beyond that, who knows.

  16. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome tour HO forum, sounds like a great plan do you have a layout design to share? If so you should start a topic about your layout here in the Ho forum
  17. saronaterry

    saronaterry TrainBoard Member

    Guess I'll toss in my 2 cents worth with a video.( My first, so be gentle). HO guage in a 30x42 basement. Digitrax DCC, no sound yet.
    It represents pretty closely the C&NW trackage from Spooner, Wi. to Cameron, Wi., although in my world the newly formed BN bought the tracks. I got plat maps from the County for most of the trackage as it was in 1972, and the (now trail) ROW is close enough if I close my eyes I can hear the SD's running!
    The video starts in Cameron, coming out of staging. It's basically one big loop as the staging tracks run under the layout.
    Here goes:( excuse the mess!)

    Terry in NW Wisconsin
  18. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Wow that is truly amazing and a real inspiration, thanks for sharing
  19. Dave Jones

    Dave Jones TrainBoard Supporter

    Terry - Absolutely no need to apologize. Enjoyed watching.
  20. JNXT 7707

    JNXT 7707 TrainBoard Member

    Terry - that layout is impressive. I saw so many things I want to do on mine. Especially liked your bridges and water. Overall one of the best I've seen (taking notes!)

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