More eBay Humor

OC Engineer JD Jan 16, 2009

  1. Maletrain

    Maletrain TrainBoard Member

    I agree. But, it seems that is hard to accomplish on the Internet, because the 'Net seems to allow people to get nasty and go on and on without stop. Their behavior there seems to be decoupled in their minds from the rest of their personal reputations. So, eBay seems to be trying to force positive and block negative reviews, no matter what is actually warranted. I think this may be backfiring, because the most egregious things seem to have valid comments blocked, while the unwarranted and unexpected nasty jabs get through as the "sucker punches" you mention.

    EBay feedback seems useless from a buyer's perspective, since the nasty sellers seem to have "100% positive" while the ones with "99.9% positive" may actually be nicer. I don't even look at feedback because of the eBay money-back guarantee. If I had to use feedback to decide whom to trust, I would never purchase a thing from that site, because the feedback is not a real sample of how people feel.

    That is my other major concern about eBay. When their system or personnel mess-up something, the "resolution" is outsourced to a bunch of people in the Philippines who seem to make it worse with additional errors. I had one issue that should have been simple to correct, but cost me 6 hours on the telephone over a week to finally get to come out even, but not "correct" by accounting.

    Amen to that. Given their ability to make a simple error into a colossal mess, I don't want a bank account in my name open to their tampering. So, I too have decided NOT to sell on eBay.

  2. umtrr-author

    umtrr-author TrainBoard Member

    Paypal and eBay are separating... to "unlock shareholder value" of course. Wall Street demanded the shotgun divorce.

    Users are getting force-fed new terms and conditions for both companies. The net of it is that eBay can "ask" for things like holding balances hostage, etc. but now Paypal "isn't obligated" to act.

    One of many articles on the subject... interestingly, this piece calls the future "bleak" for eBay's marketplace,
  3. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    They remind me of the fool who shot one toe off, to see if it would hurt. Then not believing the first result, shot off a few more just to be certain. And ended up crippled in the process. This is exactly how I see what they are accomplishing.

    I'm not certain where they went to school, but one thing they don't know, is how to do business. They know how to make money, but not at all in any business-like fashion. Which their methods quickly reminds me of wild west herd cutters...
  4. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Anyone who'd agree to a situation where their funds might be encumbered, is playing Russian Roulette using a six shot revolver, which has five rounds chambered. It's amazing these days what people allow being done to themselves. Try paying your bills, eating, etc, when your account is encumbered and you have no idea for how long. It doesn't work! Encumbered means you have NO access to a penny of YOUR money, but THEY DO to any and all of it!
  5. Maletrain

    Maletrain TrainBoard Member

    It seems that the only sensible way to be a seller with a linked bank account supporting your PayPal account is to have a bank account that is dedicated to eBay transactions and is COMPLETELY separated from all of your other bank accounts. If I were going to do it, I would use a bank where I had NO other accounts and only put money into it from my other accounts with a paper check and take money out to another account with a paper check. That way, the can only "encumber" what you are willing to risk, not your automatic deposits, mortage payments, etc.
  6. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I agree about the separated account, but so many folks just don't consider this stuff.

    Then whether or not they are right in the dispute, if the dedicated account doesn't have enough money, they'll come after you using other "legal" means.
  7. RGW1

    RGW1 TrainBoard Member

    I have a separate account just for feebay.I have made sure that it can not be accessed by them. I have used the bay to buy repair parts for my stove,batteries for the trimmer and it can be handy.
  8. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Updates to their User Agreement, (this seems to apply to all sellers), posted May 1st, include:

    "Fees, holds, returns & cancellations, and eBay Money Back Guarantee: Users now authorize eBay to instruct PayPal to make deductions from their PayPal account(s) for fees, returned items, items not as described, return shipping, cancellations (under our new cancellation policy), and eBay Money Back Guarantee reimbursements."
  9. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

  10. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

  11. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

  12. Pete Steinmetz

    Pete Steinmetz TrainBoard Member

    Report the seller to E Bay for not working through the E Bay messaging and contacting you out of E Bay. E Bay does not like communications to be outside of their messaging. How was he able to send you E Mails outside of E Bay? did you give him your E Mail address?

    Could you list his seller ID so we know not to do business with him?
  13. Pete Steinmetz

    Pete Steinmetz TrainBoard Member

    Don't unblock them. You are just asking for negative feedback. After you block them, they aren't supposed to be able to contact you. If you unblock them, they can buy something and leave you negative feedback. Not worth it.
  14. Maletrain

    Maletrain TrainBoard Member

    When I got the first e-mail from him, I asked him how he got my address and why he was not using the eBay messaging system. He made some reply that eBay gives sellers the buyer's email address once an order is placed. I don't know if that is true, since I am not a seller. I did tell eBay, but not in an official complaint. An opportunity to post feedback on this incompeted transaction keeps popping-up when I enter the feedback section in one particular way, but not with most entry paths. A chance to pay for the cancelled item also occassionally pops into my "cart" even though I have emptied my cart more than once. So, my conclusions are: 1) eBay really isn't going to do anything about this guy, and 2) eBay's computerized processes have too many glitches in them that they aren't doing anything about, either. So, it is basically buyer beware, but with a money-back guarantee FROM EBAY.

    As for posting negative feedback or posting his ID here, the guy is really nasty and I have already spent way too much time on him. I just don't want to start another fight that will probably cause a vicious counter-attack and most likely won't really accomplish anything. If he DOES have Alzheimer's, then my experience tells me that he will never reform and will never admit error and will tenaciously fight whoever offends him. NOT worth MY time.
  15. Maletrain

    Maletrain TrainBoard Member

    You think that is something? Look at this: . And, the guy has TWO of them. $100 is quite a profit on an item with a $3 price still showing. (Actually, it isn't even the right box - the box is for a 20000 "unlettered" while the item is actually a 20001 "dimensional data".)

    This listing has been there for quite a while. Meanwhile, I have bought two 20001s on ePay for around $15, including shipping. What is this guy thinking? Retirement plan investment?

    Edit: Yikes, I missed the post about the one for $499.95. Definitley eclipses $100. A search showed 20 single box cars for sale with a price over $100. I would think they were typos if it was not for the additional offer to make time payments at equally ridiculous prices.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2015
  16. RGW1

    RGW1 TrainBoard Member

    I have set my feebay account to reject buyers who have 2 or more unpaid strikes against them in the last year. I can see all the history of the rejected bids for the last 60 day ( identification is blocked) however you can see the person's transaction count and what they tried to bid on, so you can tell the same person tried to bid same engine/car many times over the action time. I have seen the same person try 5 or 6 times on one item.

    Also Feebay now charge a $1.00 fee on action under 5 days. I called, they said it was to discourage short actions for some reason about poor sellers or false products or something.
  17. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I wonder just how much interest there still is in these cars? The market started dropping off more than twenty years ago.
  18. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

  19. ScaleCraft

    ScaleCraft TrainBoard Member

  20. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    And so we have yet another head scratcher. Too large for T Gauge. Too small for anything else. Just who or what is the target audience?

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