Wheels of Time is delighted to announce 2 items in N scale. 1949 Pullman-Standard Southern Pacific Lounge Car kit - SP Class 83-L-1. See here...
I didn't know it until reading the latest Classic Trains magazine, but the SP owned only one RDC, No. 10. Pretty cool. Reading further...
[ATTACH] I’ve read that the Southern Pacific allocated 4 new GS-1 class 4-8-4s to it’s Texas & New Orleans subsidiary. I also found another source...
[ATTACH] Copying this over from introductions so I can carry forth and have a place to do a build log... once something gets built. [IMG]...
Just found the website. Modeling (for many years) the SP. An imagined line in HO, (Indio Central) operating in California’s Imperial Valley,...
This is my first take at a conversion of a guy user from TrainPlayer named Bill's (Paulton?) passenger folly. [IMG] I converted it to Kato...
Dr. Jason Davis has announced the details of our 10th Cotton Belt Symposium in Commerce, Texas. The event is set for October 2nd and 3rd, see you...
Photo of N scale SP switcher kitbashes in barn. MP15AC on left, SW1500 on right.
right side
left side
Opted for open shutters on one unit and closed on the other. Discovered that Evergreen's .040 spacing clapboard was perfect for representing the...
Close-up of shortened access door in front of brake lever as existed on all 2400 series units.
More progress on 2nd and 3rd N scale SW1500 kit-bashes, including addition of air tanks, grab irons and radiator details. 2400 series unit on...
Added etched, see-thru grilles to the 2596. Some of the radiator core detail is visible here.
Added etched, see-thru grilles to the 2596. You can see the radiator fan through the intake grille in this shot.
Added etched, see-thru grilles to the 2596.
Decided to add radiator details and etched see-thru grills to my N scale SW1500 kit bashes. Painted the fan stark white so it was more visible.
Decided to add see-thru grills and radiator details to my N scale SW1500 bashes. Etched mesh put in place for photo but not yet glued.
Decided to a little further with the detailing on my N scale SW1500 bashes by adding see-thru grills and radiator details. Etched mesh in place...